So, Covid-19 is a cut-and-paste virus

There are many preprints of coronavirus appearing in the ResearchGate. One from today, or yesterday was particularly interesting. It is here

Recombination is the process of natural cut-and-paste. In this case Covid-19 does not descend from Wuhan bat virus or from any pangolin virus. It is a combination of these viruses. Therefore it is not correct to draw a phylogenetic tree. It is not a tree. The branches merge. The two other deadly viruses of this same coronavirus family, SARS and MERS, are also recombinations of many viruses.

As far as I can see there is no way to tell if a recombination from several viruses is caused by natural genetic material exchange between viruses which just happen to infect the same host, or if it is made by a genetic engineer through cut-and-page of the genome. The latter is much easier because for the first you need a host that can be infected with several viruses (and still live long enough).

For SARS and MERS it is known that their intermediate hosts from their way from a recombination of multiple bat viruses to humans went through civets and camels. For Covid-19 no such intermediate host is known.

But what is strange is that the article claims that in three separate species bat, pangolin and human, CoV viruses developed under similar environmental pressure. This pressure caused coded proteins to be similar though the RNA code is different in these species. I wonder what similar environment these three species might share, unless it is the same researcher in a lab changing the viruses into his desired direction.

In the early beginning when some people claimed that Covid-19 is man-made, debunkers replied that it is not. It is developed from a bat virus through a natural process (which usually is mutations, not so much recombination of several viruses, usually one can make a phylogenetic tree and it is a tree). As a proof of this these debunkers said that if a researcher had made the virus, it would be a combination of existing parts by cut-and-paste. Well, it is cut-and-paste of bat and pangolin viruses. Is this cut-and-paste natural recombination? Maybe, but the original debunker argument why Covid-19 is not man-made is clearly false.

Adding two plus two it starts to look like Covid-19 is man-made and made by cut-and-paste from bat and pangolin CoV viruses.

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