The final version of the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis

The proof seems correct so far, no errors after 5 months and two journal reviews, but not a bit closer from being published. I paid 2000 dollars to have a journal check it. It was the Journal of Number Theory that advertises that it will check papers if you pay, and that they have always found an error – well, they did not find any error, they simply rejected it for no valid reason. Though they did not find any error, they demanded 1000 dollars more after reading 3.5 pages. I did not want to continue such a cheating review. It would have costed 10,000 dollars before they read 20 pages. The paper is below, many people have read it and some have tried to break the proof, but they have not managed. I am currently trying to get a journal to review it, but mostly journals do not review such papers. The journal where I now submitted it has not even sent yet a confirmation letter of submission.

It simply is so that these kinds of papers are very hard to get reviewed. It is harder than to publish a paper of how WTC fell from controlled demolition, or that the holocaust death toll was not quite what it is said to have been. Science is taken over. That is a fact, not an opinion.

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