Error found from Bell’sTheorem

Bell’s Theorem is the famous theorem from 1964 that is told to show that the EPR paradox cannot be solved by local hidden parameters, or otherwise said: Bell’s Theorem has been said to be the deepest result in physics. Well, I found an error from it, a very serious one. Actually breaking of Bell’s inequality does not show anything deep and has nothing to do with hidden parameters in the EPR paradox. The reason is very simply that Bell scaled the detector directions incorrectly and those, who have empirically verified the theorem, are doing exactly the same error. They count all particles that they see, but there are many that they do not see and when these are added, Bell’s inequality holds. As it should. It is simple mathematics. That must be true. Of physics we never know. They make errors.

Here is my paper:


Of course, a paper showing incorrect the deepest result in physics should be published. I probably try to submit it somewhere, but as all science is in the occupied zone, it probably will not succeed. So, read it here. As always, if the topic is difficult, I write it in the most simple way possible. You should be able to read the paper easily with two years of physics.



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