My take on two paradoxes in theoretical physics

I still cannot put equations here in any easy way, so the post is in a RFT-file. It is about the special relativity traveling twins aging problem and of the EPR-paradox. Those always puzzled me, so I tried to solve them:

Comments on some paradoxes in theoretical physics rft

A later update. There is a lots of mystification in theoretical physics and many so called paradoxes: 1) the twin paradox where an astronaut travels fast and ages slower than hisĀ  brother who stays on the Earth. 2) the EPR paradox as measured in Bell’s theorem, where basic probability calculus fails, and 3) EPR paradox as in Aharonov-Bohr phenomenon, where a photon can travel two ways and a measurement selects a way it travels.

1) The twin paradox simply shows that Einstein was wrong: there is a preferred frame of reference. We cannot think of the astronaut staying in the same place and the Earth traveling fast. This is because we can measure that time goes slower in a fast moving electron, but if we could think that the electron does not move and instead we move, then the time of the electron should go fasted. But experiments show that the time in the fast moving electron goes slower. Clearly, we cannot think that electron is not moving, we are. We must think that the electron is moving but we move only slowly with respect to a preferred frame of reference.Thus, there is a preferred frame of reference and this paradox is simply Einstein being wrong.

2) The EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem are results of Bohr defining probability of a wave function as norm of the probability amplitude. This is not a correct definition because if misses cross terms. It is similar to defining probability of a man being somewhere as the sum of probabilities seeing a man somewhere. What if he is hiding? Thus, this is a false paradox caused by Bohr’s unfortunate definition of wave probability.

3) The paradox of a photon going two ways or one way is the only real paradox. The effect of a photon going two ways at the same time is the Aharonov-Bohr effect. In quantum electrodynamics the electromagnetic field has a vector potential A and this A gets a different value along a different way. This is why you see the interference picture. But if you make a measurement and conclude that the photon is seen on one of the ways, it cannot be in the other way. So, the photon gets localized and there is no interference. This does happen. The issue is that the measurement can be after the photon has selected with way (or both) to take. The only solutions I know are that all possibilities are real and a measurement selects the world where we are (the many words solution) or that the past changes. The past changes solution is the logical one as many worlds has many problems. Thus, past can change, so time is not real. If time is not real, so space is not real. Thus, the world is a simulation world. This is a real paradox and I know only one logical solution: Platon was correct, this world is illusion.

Maybe this could be science, but I did not create such a category, so I put this also to religion. Paradoxes of theoretical physics are rather close to other unbelievable things.

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