Finland-Sweden ferry type shrimp salad out of surimi

The passenger ships between Finland and Sweden offer very good shrimp salad, but let us assume you have friends, who will not eat shrimps, or anything of the crawling type. Well, there is surimi, it is made of fish. Surimi cannot replace shrimps of grayfish in most recipes as it should not be cooked or heated, but it is fine with salads. This is a very simple and fast but tasty salad.

2-3 dl zero percent natural yogurt

2 tbs of 12% cream, to give taste to this tasteless zero percent stuff

1 package dill, in small pieces

½ iceberg salad chopped into pieces

3 tomatoes, in pieces

1 juice of one lemon

1 tbl wine vinegar

3 eggs, hard boiled, in pieces

1 red paprika in small pieces

3 spring onions, or 1 normal onion, also in pieces

½ red onion, in slices

10 surimi sticks, cut in pieces

Let the salad be in the refrigerator for some time, but do not add the surimi too early since they melt into the yogurt and are better if they stay whole. This salad does not get any better by staying longer time just because of surimi. Just eat it.

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