Censorship in ResearchGate of Holocaust death toll

This year I updated my calculations for the Jewish death toll in the WWII and replaced the version of the paper in the ResearchGate. The new paper is here


It completes my estimate that the Jewish death toll was 2.5 million.The death toll estimate for Auschwitz is 60,000. Einsatzgruppen shot some 100,000 and about half of those sent to the three Operation Reinhardt camps survived. This paper was for some time in the ResearchGate, then a moderator removed it and threatened me that if I do more something like this, he will close my account in the ResearchGate. I asked what error he sees in the paper. He gave my estimate for Jewish deaths in Auschwitz (60,000) as an error that would cause closing my account. I send him a calculation how this number directly comes form the most reliable demographic information of Jews we have, the Yearbooks of the American Jewish Committee. I sent the moderator the following short calculation:


I asked the moderator to show an error and why 60,000 death toll in Auschwitz is wrong as it does follow from the most reliable data. There never was any answer from the moderator.


Howard December 11, 2022 Reply

And of those 2.5 million, how many were killed by execution, gassings, etc.? What is the total number who died from the travesty of war and disease?

jorma December 11, 2022 Reply

I have not calculated the division of ways of death. What I can assure is that in Auschwitz Nazis did not gas a million unregistered Jews. This follows from population numbers.

There is one case where a small group of Jews were gassed. It was a test of gas masks, Nazis used a reference group that did not have gas masks, so this reference group died from gas. Therefore one cannot categorically claim that no Jews were gassed by Nazis.

The program for terminating worthless life (i.e., euthanasia of mentally or physically too ill people, Germans in hospitals, not Jews) was cancelled by Hitler after there was public opposition to it, but it was continued in concentration camps. This means that some number (probably rather small) of prisoners were executed in this program (they were too ill to be cured, but very possibly also some political opponents, like communists, were killed in this program). The number is not known to me. The methods of killing may have included gassing. What is known is that too ill patients were terminated with poisonous injections in concentration camps (but let us notice, the doctors in Polish camps were Polish and they tried to save the patients when it was possible, euthanasia was when it was not possible.) There are sites where concentration camp inmates chosen for euthanasia were taken, so some people were certainly killed in these sites. The evidence that they were killed by gas is not so clear, but some way they were terminated.

There were executions of Russian POWs (communist agitators were killed), and Russian POWs were intentionally starved. This is also not Jews, but shows the pattern. Whether Jews inmates were also executed in this way is unknown to me, I have not found any reliable source showing they were, but Russian POWs were.

A part of the Jews in the East (i.e, captured in Operation Barbarossa) were executed by shooting. I estimate that about 100,000 were shot in executions, there is evidence of this from studies of SS troops activities and there is Himmler’s talk of the need to kill also women and children of captured Jewish men, assumed partisans.

In Yugoslavia Nazis shot 58,000 Jews according to the main stream story. This figure is so small to have major influence to my study, so I have included this death toll. I have not checked if this is true, but probably is it.

My study of the death toll of Jews in the WWII does not show that Nazis did not gas anybody, or that they did not execute anybody by shooting or poison injections, or that they did not starve the prisoners intentionally. Nazis did all these things. What my study does show is that the Jewish death toll was not c. 6 million. It was 3 million or less, most probably 2.5 million. Of them c. 800,000 died in the Russian side, probably most in evacuation camps from starvation and diseases, but also from the war.Then we have some 300,000 who died in Romanian camps and transports, also from starvation and diseases. In Nazi camps most Jewish inmates died from diseases and starvation, especially many died when the camp supply system collapsed at the end of the war. But there were executions in camps, it was a part of the discipline, severe punishments were given for any breaking of rules. The system maybe was just, but it was severe, and some camp commanders overused their powers (Germans even dismissed some camp commanders for this). There is nothing very positive to say of concentration camps, many people always died in such camps, mainly because of infections diseases and no medicine against them. The issue to notice is that Nazis were transporting Jews to Ukraine so that the survivors would later create Israel. So, Nazi top leaders were not really antisemitic, they were doing this for Banksters who wanted to create Israel. This for all those who like to whitewash Nazi crimes, as they did do many crimes in their effort to create Israel.

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