Hitler and Judah Alkalai’s 1840 was The Year of Redemption

 A commenter of the blog asked me to write a book on the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. I agreed to write one, it will be short 200 pages, and I do not expect anybody will read it. I write it in chapters, much of the material is already in the other posts. If there is enough new text, i put the chapter here as a post. The book will appear here at some unknown time.

Some people try to argue that Hitler was a stooge of the Judeo-Masonic cabal on the basis that Jewish bankers supposedly financed him to power. I make no such claim. Hitler’s financiers are known and they were mainly German, though he got some money from at least one Jewish supporter. My argument that Hitler was in fact a stooge is argued differently. It is based on the following four claims that I will shortly justify:

            Claim 1. There was a group of pre-Zionist, who started their Zionistic project in 1840 with Judah Alkalai’s declaration that if Jews will not move to Palestine by 1939, then they will be moved there by force and lots of suffering. This group, consisting of Freemasons like Adolphe Crémieux, Edmund de Rothschild and Jacob Schiff, created organizations, such as Alliance Israélite Universelle (1860) that established the first agricultural school in Palestine Mikveh Israel (1870), bought land in Palestine for Jewish settlers, had projects like the Galvestone Movement (1907-14) that aimed to settle Jews to Palestine. They asked Turkey for a home land for Jews in Palestine but were refused it. They influenced American public opinion in 1917 and managed to bring the USA to the British side in the First World War and were rewarded by the Balfoud declaration. The claim is that this group needed and orchestrated another world war that would forcibly push the Jews from Europe with much suffering, like Alkalai had said, and finally take them to Palestine so that new Israel could be created.

            Claim 2. The USA refused to take European Jews to America as refugees during the Second World War. As the pre-Zionists had managed to turn the public opinion in the USA in 1917, they could have changed the public opinion into supporting a refugee place for Jews duing the Second World War had pre-Zionists wanted it. The claim is that they did not want it because Jews were not to move to the USA. Pre-Zionists wanted Jews to move to Palestine in order to create new Israel even if it meant that European Jews would suffer under Hitler.

            Claim 3. Hitler did not intend to exterminate European Jews, this can be shown by a calculation of the Jewish death toll during the Second World War, he moved Jews to East. Hitler made with Zionists the Haavara agreement promoting the movement of German Jews to Palestine rather than to any other country. Hitler also underlined in one of his private books text: Jews must be restored to Palestine. The claim is that Hitler must have intended to move Jews to a final place of settlement later and that this place was not Madagascar, it could only have been Palestine. Hitler moved the Jews to the East for later transport to Palestine, and he cleansed the people through social darwinistic natural selection in concentration camps, following what Alkalai had said of much suffering. 

            Claim 4. Subversive Freemasonry was at the time between the world wars working not directly through Masonic lodges but through other esoteric organizations, such as Theosophy. We can associate these organizations with Masonry through personal connections of their founders. In the case of the Thule Society, which created the DAP party that Hitler changed to the Nazi Party, NSDAP, was founded by Freemason Rudolf von Sebottendorf. The Thule Society had political aims, which shows that the society was not mainly esoteric. The way Hitler came to DAP is curious because German army sent Hitler to spy this society, Hitler joined it and changed DAP to an effective tool for the Second World War. Hitler is supposed to have joined DAP because he agreed with their program, but if a spy sent to a party joins it and becomes the leader, we normally would call it a takeover for some purpose that those who sent the spy had. In this case Hitler was sent by someone in the German army to turn DAP into a party that can lead the country to the next war. The claim is that studying the origin of NSDAP we can see the Masonic connections and guess the Masonic plan. Rather than looking for some direct funding from some Jewish millionaire banker, Judeo-Masonic subversive activities are Masonic and they are tracked by finding the Masonic connection.

Claim 1: There was a plan to start a second world war and forcibly move Jews to Palestine

We have to very briefly recall Jewish messianism. Up to Isaac Luria (1534-1572) and his students Jewish Kabbalists were busy in making calculations of the end of the times and the coming of Messiah, who would lead the Promised People back to the Land of Israel. At that time the Gentile kings of Europe, the kings of Edom, would be destroyed. Luria considered himself as Messiah ben Jacob, the suffering Messiah. He moved to Safed in Palestine and created there a Kabbalist school that waited for the Messiah to come down from a mountain. An earlier messiah candidate, Abraham ben Abulafia (1240-c.1291) went to ask the Pope to acknowledge the true Messiah, but was thrown to jail. After Luria’s time Kabbalists had nearly exhausted all possible ways to calculate the coming of the Messiah. The next great messiah candidate, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) apparently got his inspiration of becoming the Messiah from British Zionists. His father had business dealings with the British. The year when the Messiah would come, i.e., when Sabbatain would declare himself as the Messiah, had very Christian form: year 1666, clearly composed of 1000 and the number of the Beast 666. Sabbatai did not go to ask the Pope, he went to ask the Sultan, but the result was about the same: either Sabbatai would go to jail or convert to Islam. He converted and started the sect of Dönmeh.

            Sabbatai was convinced that the end of the times is close because, as it was claimed, 1/3 of Jews had been killed in Kmelnytsky uprising (1648). Probably the death toll was 6,000-14,000 out of some 40,000 Jews in that area. However, it is said that in the Swedish Deluge and Polish-Russian over 100,000 Jews died (compare to 4 million Poles). We can estimate the Jewish population in Poland at that time. In 1897 Russian census it was 5 million and the doubling time was about 50 years. Thus, from 1648 to 1896 there were 5 doublings, the population grew 32 times bigger. Accordingly, the Jewish population was around 150,000. This is 2/3 of the Jews in Poland. It may be of interest that in 1939 there were 9 million Jews in Europe and if 6 million died, it is 2/3 died. It is quite inprobable that so many Jews died in the Deluge and Polish-Russian war since of Poles died one third and only Khmelnytsky targeted especially Jews. I would expect that the Jewish death toll was c. 60,000, i.e., the 1/3 and Khmelnytsky’s part.

            The number 2/3 must have messianic significance. I think it derives from Zechariah 13:8-9 “And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.”

            A later reincarnation of Sabbatai, Jacob Frank (1726-1791), has connections to Freemasons. Many of his followers certainly joined Freemasonry, but I read the term Balakaben in Frank’s book The Collection of the Words of the Lord as a codename for Freemasons, and it seems to me that Frank was involved in the partitions of Poland with Frederick II the Great, the head of German Freemasonry. Frank’s cousin Moses Dobruška was involved in the French Revolution and founded Asiatic Brethren, maybe the first lodge practicing sex magic. This is probably how Freemasons got involved with messianic Jews. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was a Freemason in the time of Napoleonic wars, so about the time Frankists joined Freemasonry. Nathan died 1836, which is shortly before the Rotschild family became involved in pre-Zionism. Nathan himself was not interested in Zionism or messianism, but as Judal Alkalai’s declaration that the Year of Redemption started in 1840 shows, the Rothschild family was serious about restoration of Jews to Palestine. Instead of asking the Pope or the Sultan, the Rothschilds took quite practical steps for moving Jews to Palestine. Jacob Schiff (1847-1920) went as far as to start the Galveston Movement, meant as a temporary stop of Jews in the USA before they would go to Palestine. Schiff was a close partner of the Rothschilds in Zionism. He gave Japan a loan that enabled Japan to have the 1904-5 war with Russia, because Schiff disliked the Tsar. The Balfour Declaration was addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild. At that time Rothschilds and Schiff were the financial powers. They were the International Jewry that could with Jewish-owned press turn the American population to join the war on the British side against Germany in 1917. It has not changed that much. In the USA there still are Jewish billionaires who are ardent Zionists, and Freemasonry is still there, in the form of B’nai B’rith. The question is only if these people did or did not create the Second Word War for the purpose of pushing Jews of Europe to Palestine.

            There are no documents witten by the International Jewry where they admit to such a claim and there are no documents that suffice to show in a legal process that these pre-Zionists were guilty of anything of this kind. However, accusations that the Rothschild family and Jacob Schiff were orchestrating world events including the two world wars and the Russian revolutions have been made so often that the historical persons concerned in these accusations must be treated as historical public figures and any theories of their motives can be proposed without violating their rights. There is no single historical truth against which a theory can be compared for correctness. It is allowed in history to speculate what were the motives behind Stalin’s, Hitler’s, Wilson’s and Churchill’s actions, and even propose that the motives were sinister. The same is true in the case of these pre-Zionists. My argument that the pre-Zionists and some Freemasons did create the world wars for the purpose of establishing new Israel are presented below.

            Jews returning to the Land of Israel is an exodus. There are two examples of exodus in the Old Testament: the Exodus from Egypt and the exodus from Persia. Both stories have common features. Israelites/Jews are suppressed by a dark characted, who wants to kill some of them (the Pharaoh killed Israelite children) or all of them (Haman wanted to kill the Jews). The dark character and his people are punished (the firstborn of Egypt were killed and the Pharaoh was drowned, Haman with his sons was hanged). Israelites/Jews take loot with them when they leave. Actions of the liberator of Jews increase antisemitism, it is essential for the exodus to happen (the talks by Moses and Aaron with the Pharaoh caused a heavier load on Israelites, Mordecai’s lack of respect was the reason why Haman wanted to kill the Jews). The Israelite/Jewish liberator is close to the royal family (Moses was raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, Mordecai’s daughter is a wife of Ahasveres). Both stories are largely fictional: the story as it is told is not what really happened. From these stories we can conclude that in an exodus of Jews there should be antisemitism caused by the Jewish liberator and a threat of extermination of Jews, there should be loot taken by the Jews when they leave, there should be a punishment to the king and the nation that suppressed the Jews, the liberator is someone having close connections with the leader of the nation that suppressed the Jews.

            Judah Alkalai declared that 1840 was the Year of Redemption. This year was one numdred years and ended in 1939. During that time Jews should move to Palestine. If they had not moved before 1940, a new Year would start. Jews would move to Palestine, but with great suffering. There is no reason to assume this was a prophecy. It was a declaration coming from the people behind Judah Alkalai and Zvi Hirsch Kalischer: two Jewish Freemasons Adolphe Crémieux and Moses Montefiore and a member of the Rothschild family, Edmond James de Rothschild. Alkalai gives Jews two options: to move to Palestine volontarily before 1939 or to be forced to move with much suffering after 1939. Both alternatives were possible for pre-Zionists.

            In the first alternative there had to be antisemitism and persecution of Jews, as it is a part of the exodus story, but in a small scale. Russian pogroms fit to this alternative. The founder of the International Zionist Organization wrote that antisemites are their best allies (as they also want Jews to leave). The persecutor of Jews and his people must be punished.  Tsar’s Russia suppressed the Jews with pogroms. Tsar’s family was murdered and Communists made a blood bath among his people. Many Jews did leave Russia, but most went to the USA. Only a small number went to the Land of Israel. This alternative was still possible in the time between the world wars. Poland was accused of antisemitism and France proposed the old Polish plan of settling Poles to Madagascar as a solution to 200,000 Polish Jews migrating from Galicia to France. France did not allow Madagascar as a settlement place for native Poles, as was the original Polish plan. Nazis considered this plan at a later stage, but there is no evidence that Hitler intended to move Jews to Madagascar. Had this alternative worked, there would still have been a new war in Europe for the punishement of Christian nations. It might have been a world war between Communists and non-Communists with the result of destroying the Christian world and Christianity. It may be questioned if pre-Zionists caused the rise of antisemitism. There is a parallel case: Jews of Iraq moved to Israel because of increased antisemitism. There were accusations that Zionists created this antisemitism on purpose by throwing bombs. Support of Jewish leftist revolutionaries in Europe had the effect of increasing antisemitism. There is some evidence that Jacob Schift did support revolutionaries in Russia. This does not mean that bankers preferred Communism to Capitalism. It could have been a way to push Jews to Palestine by increasing antisemitism.

            Jews did not collect loot from Russia in 1917 and they did not move to Palestine. The shift of power from Kerensky to Lenin was a gift to Germany as Germany wanted to make a peace with Russia. Germany did send Lenin but could not command Kerensky to yield him power, so this was a gift from those who did control Kerensky. There had to be a payment for this gift, and Germany declared unlimited submarine war, which did put pressure to England and made it necessary that England has to lean on pre-Zionists in order to get the USA to the war. Therefore the British agreed on the Balfour Declaration, though it required them to break their promises to Arabs.     

            In the second alternative enough Jews did not move to Palestine by 1939. Then they would be pushed out of Europe. Let us recall what Hitler said in the Reichstag speech 1939:

            “Ich will heute wieder ein Prophet sein: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht die Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa.” (“Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the Earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the desctruction of the Jewish race in Europe.”)`

            Let us notice that if the first alternative of Alkalai had succeeded, the result of the war would have been Bolshevization of the Earth, world Communism and the punishment to Christian nations. However, this time passed as 1939 enough Jews had not moved to Palestine. In the second alternative of Alkalai Jews would have much suffering, but the result would be the same: Jews move to Palestine and Christian nations are punished. After Hitler’s persecutions the surviving Jews did return to the Land of Israel. The Holocaust fits the pattern of the exodus story and the second alternative of Alkalai.

            Let me comment on the theory that the proof that Hitler was a stooge is the fact that after the First World War Germany was rebuilt with American investments. These investments made Gernamy’s rearmament possible. Alone this argument does not prove anything. We have to look at the whole situation. When Wilhelm II resigned 9. November 1918, socialists took the power in Germany, but independent socialist lead by Karl Liebknecht made a revolution. In 20. November the sides of the conflict agreed on free elections, Rosa Luxenburg demanded that workers take the power, but soldiers suppressed the revolt. In 6. January 1919 Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemberg renamed Spartakusbund the Communistic Party of Germany and started a rebellion, it failed. The attempted Communistic revolution resembles the events in Russia to some extent, but there was no Freemasonry participation. The peace conditions and war reparations imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 are hard. Mainly France is behind these hard conditions: she needs to pay war loans to banks in gold and this gold can only come from Germany. In 1920 there is an army coup in Berlin lead by Kapp and Lüttwitz, it fails but in München a similar coup succeeds. German economy collapses in 1922 and in 1923 there is hyperinflation which impoverished the middle class and paved the way for Hitler. Hitler tried a coup in 1923, it failed. France occupied the Ruhr area in 1923. Hitler was sentenced to prison in 1924, where he stayed only for a relatively short time during which he wrote Mein Kampf.

            The Dawes Plan for rebuilding Germany was signed in 1924 and Charles G. Dawis shared a Nobel Prize for it, but the plan was unworkable. Freemason Hjelmut Schlacht and Owen D. Young from the Rockefeller Foundation wrote the Young Plan for rebuilding Germany in August 1929\. It was implemented in 1930. In the summer of 1931 a bank crisis in Germany caused the Great Depression. The bank crisis of 1931 started from the collapse of Danatbank. In the board of Danatbank was Hjalmar Schlacht and e.g. Jacob Goldschmidt.

            Here we have the rebuilding program, the Young Plan of 1929, that helped Hitler to rearm Germany for the next world war, and we have the bank crisis, Danatbank collapse in 1931, that helped Hitler to power. There is much evidence for a causal connection between financial crises and the rise of populistic movements: it does not always need to happen, but often it does. Hitler got to power in 1933. If there was any pre-Zionist-Masonic hand involved in these events, then it acted in the years 1929-31. If before that time they followed Alkalai’s first alternative, then the goal of Hitler originally was to create antisemitism in order to get Jews to move to Palestine. In 1929 the plan would have changed. In 1934 Hitler destroyed SA. It was good for street fights and scaring people, but it was of no use in a world war.

            Meanwhile in the Soviet Union happened an important change. Lenin died in 1924. Trotsky fell out of favor in 1928 and was expulsed in February 1929. By 1929 Stalin ruled the Soviet Union. He was a bloody dictator and a Communist and may have planned turning the world into a Communistic Utopy, but he hardly can be accused of being a stooge or a member of any Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. The chance of a Communistic world revolution had passed with Lenin and Trotsky latest in February 1929. Soon after this time that the Young Plan was written for rearming Germany and the Danatbank collapsed causing the crisis that rised Hitler to power. The deadline of Alkalai, 1939, was still one decade ahead, yet there was no way to proceed with the plan of Bolshevization of Europe and having Jews move to Palestine volontarily. Though we cannot say that pre-Zionists directly financed Hitler to power in 1932, and such a claim is false if literally understood, it is possible that pre-Zionists in 1929 did make a decision to go for the second alternative of Alkalai. A Freemason banker co-authored the plan to rebuilt Germany so that it could rearm and was one of the share-holders in a bank that caused the economic crisis that rised Hitler to power. When presented in this way, the theory is not impossible.  

Claim 2: No country, and especially not the USA, wanted to take the Jews threatened by Hitler for the reason that the Jews were the move to Palestine

The first part of the claim naturally is true: Hitler made the offer that if any country will take the Jews, he will transport them to Spain and they can be taken by ships to the destination. It is the second part that is uncertain: why no country wanted them? Usually no country is willing to take millions of foreigners for the natural reason that it is their country and they want to keep it, but the public opinion of the USA could be manipulated by the press. the time of Hitler is not the first time. The USA imposed immigration restrictions in 1924 aimed to limiting the immigration of Jews from Eastern Europe to the USA. This is my reconstruction in 1 of the immigration from Russia to the USA. It is made by fitting the natural growth rate to the population size and adding what the immigration figure must be. The method is not precise, but it should be roughly correct.

Year     Jewish population in the USA           New immigration to the USA

1880     250                                                 250

1890     400                                                 107

1900     1500                                               1036

1910     1777                                               53

1920     3389                                               1367

1930     4228                                               403

1940     4771                                               0

            ——                                               —-

            4,771,000                                        =3,21,6000

The immigration was a million larger than it is usually claimed to be and there are two peaks: in the decade when there were the 1903-1906 pogroms and in the decade 1920-30. The USA posed restrictions in 1924, but it does not seem to have stopped (illegal) immigration. During the pogroms of 1881-1884 Jewish immigration was higher than in the next decade, but rather small. Trotsky was an important leader up to 1927. During the decade 1920-1930 Jews seem to have moved to the USA in large numbers. This could fit Alkalai’s alternative one, provided that the American Jews would later continue to Palestine, which they did not want to do. Thus, it was necessary that restrictions were imposed in 1924 and American Jews did not oppose them. I cannot prove Claim 2, but what is an other alternative explanation?

Claim 3: Hitler intended to move Jews to Palestine

The first part of the argument is that Hitler did not try to exterminate the Jews because democraphic calculations show that the Jewish death toll is most probably c. 2.5 million. This number is obtained by a simple calculation from Jewish statistics given by American Jewish Congress Yearbooks (AJY). These are the main source of Jewish statistics. I make only some known and accepted corrections to certain figures. My calculations are in 1.

           The official claim that 6 million Jews died in the Second World War is based on the calculation in AJY vol. 50. There were 9.7 million Jews in Europe in 1939. There were 3.78 million Jews in Europe in 1946. Thus, six million died. This calculation has two errors. Firstly, there were 8.89 million Jews in Europe in 1939, not 9.7 million. Secondly, a large number of Jews emigrated from Europe. This number is

75,000 (accepted to Palestine in the White Paper for 1939-1948)

138,000 (legally migrated to Palestine from DP-camps 1946-48)

110,000 (Alyah Bet, illegal immigration to Palestine during 1939-1946)

338,000 (legal immigration to Israel 1948-1953)

137,000 (first 80,000, then 57,000 to the USA from DP-camps after 1948)

20,000 (to Canada and South Africa after 1948)

The sum is 818,000. However, we have to subtract those Jews (e.g. German Jews), who were twice counted as part of the 3.78 million survivors and Jews on DP camps. A more careful calculation gives about 700,000 Jews, who migrated. The death toll is thus 8.9-3.8-0.7=4.4 million. This is the figure given by the Jewish World Almanac, the population drop is between 1948 and 1949 as the figures were not updated before that time. My more careful calculation gives about the same number, 4.5 million Jewish deaths.

            Thus, 4.5 million Jews died, if we accept AJY figures for all countries. However, there is one country, the Soviet Union, which gave extremely unreliable estimates. So far, let us accept these Soviet estimates. These Soviet estimates in AJY state that there were 2.8 million Jews in the Baltic countries and the Soviet Union of 1939, and from the Polish census of 1932 there were 1.41 million Jews in the area of Poland occupied by the Soviet Union in 1939. By AJY there were 2 million Jews in the Soviet Union of 1946. It follows that 2.8+1.4-2=2.2 million died in the area of the Soviet union of 1946. From 4.5 million deaths remain 4.5-2.2=2.3 million. In Romania died 160,000 Jews and in Yugoslavia Germans shot some 58,000 Jews. This means that about 2.3=0.16-0.058=2.1 million died in the areas outside the Soviet Union, Romania and Yugoslavia.

            On the areas outside the Soviet Union of 1940 only 3.1 million Jews were in Nazi hands: Nazis transported 1.2 million Jews from countries other than Poland and the Soviet Union, Poland occupied by Germany in 1939 had 1.84 million Jews, and Nazis transported from East (i.e., area under the Soviet Union in 1940) to West (i.e. Poland under Germany in 1940) about 60,000 Jews more than from West to East in small transports that did not go to the three Operation Reindardt camps. There were 3.1 million, there died 2.1 million, thus 1 million Jews survived of these 3.1 million.

            Let us first count an estimate for Jewish deaths in the following camps and events: 150,000 in Chelmno, 59,000 in Majdanek, about 170,000 in ghettos and work camps in Poland, 30,000 in Theresienstadt. In concentration camps in Germany died 390,000 people. Of them some 200,000-300,000 were Jews. Additionally some 50,000 Jews died in the German attack of 1939, in the terror after it and on German POW camps, and 7,000 died in the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Summing these deaths gives the lower estimate 666,000.

            We will still include deaths of registered Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is estimated that 60,000 registered Jewish prisoners died there, additionally it is stated that about 1 million unregistered Jewish prisoners were killed in Auscwitz-Birkenau. We add only the registered 60,000 to the death toll at this stage. Thus, of 2.1 million deaths we have explained 0.666 million and 0.06 million. There remains 2.1-0.666-0.06=1.37 million to die in the three Operation Reinhardt camps Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec and as unregistered Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz-Birkenau. About 1.48 million were transported to the three Operation Reinhardt camps. Thus, necessarily 1.48-1.37=110,000 must have survived the three Operation Reinhardt camps. This shows false the official story that all sent to Operation Reinhardt camp were killed. Thus, at least 110,000 of the 1 million survivors from 3.1 million were sent to the three Operation Reinhardt camp and they did not die there.

            Subtracting from 3.1 million the deaths 666,000 and 60,000 and the 1.48 million transported to the three Operation Reinhardt camps gives 3.1-0.666-0.06-1.48=0.894 million. This is the sum of unregistered Jewish deaths in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Jewish survivors of the 3.1 million, who were not sent to the three Operation Reinhardt camps. AJY informs that there were 80,000 Polish Jews, who survived the war hiding from Nazis. There were also 410,000 Jewish concentration camp survivors, which is explained in nthe next section. Thus, the upper bound to the unregistered Jewish deaths in Auschwitz-Birkenau is 0.894-0.41-0.08≈400,000. It corresponds well to the Hungarian Jews, who were sent to Auschwitz. This upper bound of 400,000 shows false the official story that about 1 million unregistered Jews died in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

            The 410,000 survivors is calculated as follows. In the other countries where Nazis took Jews to concentration camps except for Poland and Russia lived 1.84 millon Jews in 1939. Nazis transported 1.2 million. Thus, there remained 1.84-1.2=0.64 million. After the war there were 0.83 million. In Thus, 0.83-0.64=0.19 million of these Jews survived the camps. It is estimated that 300,000 Polish Jews survived the war. They are Jews from the part of Poland occupied by Germany in 1939. (If we add the Jews from East Poland occupied by the Soviet Union in 1939, then 600,000 Polish Jews survived, but they were considered Soviet Jews.) Of these 300,000 survivors 80,000 managed to hide from Germans. Thus, 0.3-0.08=0.22 million survived the concentration camps. Adding 0.19+0.22=0.41 million. See 1 for a different calculation of this number.  

            We can still do better. We calculated that 1 million survived of the 3.1 million. Those, who are known to have survived so far are 410,000 in concentration camps, 80,000 hiding in Poland, and 110,000, who must have survived the three Operation Reinhardt camps. The sum of these three components is 600,000. Thus, there are an additional 400,000 Jews, who survived the war. This sum equals the upper bound we got for unregistered Jewish prisoners, who were killed in Auschwitz-Birkenau. We can conclude that no unregistered Jewish prisoners were killed in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

            So far we have shown that the Jewish death toll in Auschwitz was only 60,000, the registered Jewish deaths. We have also shown that not all Jews sent to the three Operation Reinhardt camps could be killed, at least 110,000 survived. Thus, the official story is false. But we can do better: we can question the AJY number of 2.82 million Jews in the Soviet Union in 1939 excluding Eastern Poland.

            The argument is the following. There is good data on yearly official Jewish immigration to the USA between 1890 and 1950 and sufficiently good data on the size of the Jewish population of the USA. These Jews overwhelmingly came from Russia. We can assume some yearly growth rate for the Jewish population in the USA in given years and try to match the growth of the population as a result of the population yearly growth rate and the official immigration data. This matching is given in 1 and it makes it very likely that the immigration of Jews was 900,000 higher than what the official numbers give, and that the population growth rate decreased during this time. Then we can take these yearly population growth rates and apply it to the Jewish population in Russia in the last official census of 1896. The result, given in 1 is that the Jewish population estimate 2.82 million for the population coming from this Russian population of 1896 is one million too high.

            The error is in AJY Vol 40. figure of 1.57 million Jews in Ukraine in 1939. There were about 450,000 Jews in Ukraine in 1939. The reason for this error is apparently that Poland had a war against the Soviet Union and it captured most of old Poland-Lithuania area in Ukraine that it had before the divisions of Poland. This area includes Galicia. Ukraine did not correct the population figure of Jews after it lost these areas in the peace agreement 1921. Thus, the Ukrainian census for 1926 is not correct, but it is correct for 1939 after the Soviet Union took Eastern Poland.  The difference 1.57-0.45=1.12 million is very close to the number of Jews in Eastern Poland (the part occupied by the Soviet Union, before 200,000 Jews escaped from West Poland to the Soviet area).  Thus, 1.12 million Jews were counted twice. In 1939 there were 174,000 Jews in Palestine. About 100,000 of them probably descended from the Russian Jewish population. Thus, there were 1.72 million Jews in the Soviet Union in 1939 excluding Eastern Poland as the AJY figure 2.82 million is one million one hundred tousand too high.

            Additionally, it is argued in 1 that the French Jewish population in 1939 has 200,000 Jews from the Galician Jewish population, not descendants of Jews of Russia in 1986, but Jews of Austria-Hungary in 1896. They must be subtracted from the number of Jews in Eastern Poland based on the Polish census of 1932. Thus, there were 1.41-0.2=1.21 million Jews in the Eastern Poland that the Soviet Union conquered in 1939.

            It follows that in the Soviet Union in 1939 were 1.21+1.72=2.9 million Jews in the Soviet Union in 1941 before Germany attacked. The AJY figure of Jewish survivors in 1948 in the Soviet Union is 2 million.

            The Soviets evacuated 50%-80% of Jews and about 1/3 of them must have died in evacuation camps since these camps probably had about the same death ratio as POW camps. Germany had taken the Soviet bread basket Ukraine, so there must have been lack of food in the rest of the Soviet Union. Let us assume that 25% of the Jews in evacuation camps died.

            The official claim is that German Einsatzgruppen killed 1-1.5 million Jews in the Soviet area. Let us see how it fits to the figures. If Soviets evacuated 60% of 2.9 million, then 1.74 million were evacuated and 1.16 million were left to the area that Germans occupied. Of the evacuated 0.435 million (25%) died. Then in the German side died 0.465 million, that is 40%. Then Einsatzgruppen did not kill all Jews in the area. If Soviets evacuated 80% of 2.9 million, then 2.32 million were evacuated and 0.58 million (25%) of them died. Then 0.58 million Jews were left in the area and 0.32 million died. That means 55%. Then Einsatzgruppen did not kill all Jews. We conclude that Einsatzgruppen did not kill all Jews in the area and that they could not kill 1-1.5 million Jews. In the German side died 0.465-0.32 million Jews. Einsatzgruppen certainly shot a large number of Jews. We may estimate the number as 150,000. If so, the death ratio in German concentration camps and ghettos ranged between 0.355/1.16=27% to 0.17/0.58=29%, which are typical death ratios for a concentration camp.

            We must discard the theory that Einsatzgruppen killed 1-1.5 million, but it so far seems that we can keep the official theory that hardly any Jew survived Operation Reinhardt camps. We have so far found 110,000 survivors from Operation Reinhardt camps, but that was so if we accepted the AJY figures for the Soviet Union. We must investigate this issue again as we corrected the AJY numbers.  

            We have noticed that in the West 1.2 million were taken by Nazis from countries other than Poland and the Soviet Union and 1.9 million were in Western Poland (when the 60,000 transports from East to West are included). Of them only 410,00+88,000=0.49 million survived in the West. 1.48 million were taken to Operation Reinhardt (OR) camps. Thus, there were 1.2+1.9=3.1 million Jews. In the West survived 0.49 million and 1.48 million went to OR. In the West and Western Poland died 3.1-0.49-1.48=1.13 million. We have an explanation for 0,666+0.006=0.726 million and in Yugoslavia 0.058 million. Together they make 0.784 million. There is missing 1.13-0.784=0.346 million. This matches well with the missing Hungarian Jews. They were expected to be sent to the Riese construction work, but they were in very poor shape.

            Of the 1.72+1.21=2.9 million in Eastern Poland and the Soviet Union died 0.9 million so that 2 million could survive. The death toll is 1.13+0.9=2 million excluding the three Operation Reinhardt camps. 1.48 million were sent to OR. Thus, the maximum Jewish death toll is 3.5 million.

            It may be possible that the real death toll is smaller. The AJY figure 2 million Jewish survivors in 1948 in the Soviet Union is very imprecise. The range given for the Soviet estimate is 1-3 million. It is only interpreted in the official Holocaust history as 2 million. We have 1.83 million Jews, who may have died: the missing Hungarian Jews (346,000 and the Jews sent to OR (1.48 million). If only 0.5 million of them died, then their death ratio would be 0.5/1.83=27%, which is the death ratio we calculated for Jews in Eastern Poland and the area of the Soviet Union occupied by Germans.

            It would be a logical assumption because only gassing 346,000 Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz in 1944 but not mass killing any Jews in Auschwitz before that time is illogical and does not agree with the official Holocaust story and eyewittness statements. We must discard the official story in any case and then construct a more believable explanation. Also if the Einsatzgruppen did not kill 1-1.5 million Jews and Germans put Soviet and Eastern Polish Jews to camps with the death ratio about 27%, then why would they have exterminated those Jews who were sent to OR? They were Western or West Polish Jews, less Communistic than Soviet Jews. Why should they be killed and Soviet Jews not killed? 

            If only 0.5 million of the 1.83 million died, then there would have been 2+1.33=3.33 million Jews in the Soviet Union (SU) in 1944, but many escaped before 1946 when the number of Jews in SU was estimated. In the beginning I calculated that 700,000 Jews migrated to Israel, the USA, Canada or South Africa. Let us recalculate: in the West and Western Poland 3.1 million were taken. 0.41 million concentration camp survivors include those, who returned home in the West (0.19 million) and were not in the DP camps and did not migrate out of Europe. 0.22 million were concentration camp survivors from Western Poland. They, and some 70,000 Jews from Western Poland migrated out of Europe. It makes 0.22+0.07=0.29 million. As 0.7 million migrated out of Europe, we have 0.7-0.29=0.41 million who migrated out of Europe. It includes Romanian Jews from DP camps, which may be the missing Hungarian Jews assuming that they were Jews from the area Hungary took from Romania in the war. If so, then they went to Israel from DP camps coming the camps after 1946. We have left about 50,000 Jews, who migrated out of Europe from DP camps. They would be Western Polish Jews. I assume that no Jew, who lived in the area that belonged to the Soviet Union after the war, was allowed to leave SU. There remains 3.33-0.41=2.92 million. I think that it is not impossible that there were 2.9 million Jews in the Soviet Union in 1946. It fits in the range of 1-3 million Jews in the Soviet estimate. Alternatively we can increase the death ration of Jews evaculated to the inner parts of SU to 50%, which is not unreasonable considering how few Polish Jews survived of those, who escaped to the Eastern side in 1939 when Germany attacked Poland. This change would increase the death toll by 0.5 million and put the total death toll to 3 million and the number of Jewish survivors in the SU to 2.4 million, which fits better to the range 1-3 million. It would keep the character of Hitler’s final solution as a transfer operation.

           See 1 for my more precise calculations. Though no Holocaust calculation is precise, I try to justify all my figures in 1.

            In any case, six million did not die and Hitler did not try to exterminate Jews. He transported them to the East. This is not any hypothesis, this is simple and proven fact. Though the data does not allow very precise calculations, the differences with my calculation and the official Holocaust calculation are so large that there is no possible way that the official Holocaust calculations could be correct. Yet, they are accepted as correct and people claiming that they are wrong are called Holocaust deniers and they are put to jail in many countries. This is similar, though worse, than the insistence in theoretical physics that Einstein’s Special and General Relativity Theories are correct and proven, which is a lie. The Jewish Holocaust death toll of a major interest to Zionists, and we can assume also and even more to pre-Zionists.  

            The second part of the argument is that the question where Hitler intended to send these Jews that he transported to the East and did not exterminate is easily solved by considering the following facts:

a) In Hitler’s personal library is a book by an anti-Semitic Zionist (= Zionist, a person who wants all Jews to live in one place and have their own country, not necessarily in Palestine, as early Zionists also considered Uganda and Madagascar). This underlined sentence says that Jews must be restored to Palestine.

b) In the peace offer Hitler made to England, Jews were to be taken to Palestine.

c) Hitler made the Haavara agreement with Zionists. This agreement allowed some 40,000 German Jews to take their property as German goods to Palestine. This capital was essential in building the infrastructure for preparing Palestine for more Jewish immigrants.

d) Nazis smuggled one shipload of Jews to Palestine against British White Paper restrictions.

e) Hitler did not try to exterminate Jews and was moving them to the East. Where were the Jews going to be settled after the war?

– not to Eastern Poland, Lublin area, as they were moved further to the East from there.

– not to any place in Eastern Europe, or Europe in general, as Hitler wanted Jews out of Europe.

– not to Madagascar, Uganda, or any other place, which Zionists had considered but discarded, for the simple reason that as Jews did not want to go there, they would not stay there. The place would have had to be surrounded by barbed wire to keep the Jews there.

– not to some other country, as no country wanted to take the Jews.

            The only place where Hitler could have permanently settled Jews was Palestine. Hitler could not say it to the Mufti of Jerusalem, or to Göbbels or other Nazis, who wondered if the place might be Madagascar, but there was no other place than Palestine.

Claim 4: The Masonic connections in the origins of NSDAP

Hitler was taken to DAP by a group of Thule Society members (Dietrich Eckart, Karl Haushofer, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg), who were searching for a leader to DAP. As Hess wrote, the leader would have to be a merciless dictator. Hitler was sent to the DAP meeting by German army intelligence. Thule leaders found Hitler suitable for the task of a leader and Eckart trained him personally. Eckart died in 1923. In that year he either wrote to a friend or said shortly before dying: Follow Hitler, he will dance but we have composed the music. This quote is in so many books by historians that Eckart must have said something like it. As Ralph Tegtmeier2 explains, Thule had already everything ready for NSDAP. Even the name NSDAP was there before Hitler joined DAP. Hitler was a good speaker, but most probably not a natural talent as Tegtmeier found text from Le Bon’s “Psychologie der Massen´ from 1895. It explains how to speak to masses and the proposed way is very much the same as Hitler’s.

            Rudolf von Sebottendorf, who founded the Thule Society, stepped aside in 1919. He wrote at that time: “Die Thule-Gesellschaft hatte ihren Zweck erfullt, sie musste vergehen, damit das Neue werden konnte, das schon an de Schwelle stand”3. (The Thule Society had served its purpose, it had to pass, so that could become the new, which was already at the threshold.) Thule was needed only to lay the basis for NSDAP. The Thule Society was dissolved in 1930. Sebottendorf moved to Turkey, then to the USA and Mexico. He returned to Munich in 1933, published a book Before Hitler came. The book was banned by Nazis, Sebottendorf was imprisoned for a while and returned to Turkey.

            There is a clear effort to downplay the role of the Thule Society in the creation of the Nazi party. Indeed, Thule, just like many subversive Masonic secret societies, was more a political force than an esoteric society. It did have esoteric lore, as secret societies had to have in those times, but the essential teachings were the racial doctrine: antisemitism, anticommunism, Lebensraum from the Eastern Europe, the hierarchical society model with slaves on the bottom, and the need for a dictator who would save Germany. These all were included in the program of NSDAP. Sebottendorf had also bought the Münchener Beobachter as the bulletin of the society, it later become NSDAP’s party journal. It is quite correct to say that Sebottendorf and other members of Thule created all basic elements for NSDAP and Hitler’s political program.

            In Mein Kampf Hitler criticizes völkish teachings and the connection with the Thule Society (which represented these teachings) were discontinued. However, this fact is easily misunderstood. These völkish teachings were something that the Thule Society obtained by the way it was created. Sebottendorf joined in 1917 a völkish secret society Germanenorder and splitted from it a splinter group Germanenorder Walvater of the Holy Grail. A year later Sebottendorf adopted the name Thule Society (originally a cover name used by Walter Nauhau’s Germanenorder lodge) for his secret society. Sebottendorf himself brought to the secret society Theosophic teachings. It was naturally easier for Sebottendorf to infiltrate an existing secret society than to create one from the scratch. Germanenorder had Aryan lore and antisemitic believes, but it also studied runes, homeland of Germans and all such things.

           Nothing in Sebottendorf’s history suggests that he was an Aryan racist or an antisemitist before he joined the Germanenorder in 1917. Sebottendorf studied Ismaili esoteric teachings in Turkey, which suggests that he had contacts with Dönmeh. He also joined Mizraim Freemasonry in Turkey with the help of some Jews, which also implies that he had connections to Dönmeh. Sebottendorf also joined a Rosicrusian society and Theosophy. Later he studied esoterics in Egypt. Notice, that Freemasons (including many people from Donmeh) had raised New Turks to power in Turkey, that Palestine was in Turkey, and it hardly is probable that Sebottendorf was simply interested in esoteric things and thought that in Germany in 1917 (during the war, the time of the Balfour declaration and an effort to get Palestine from Turkey) was a place where people might be interested in esoterics. Nevertheless, Thule was political from the start. The simplest explanation is that Sebottendorf was a very experienced Masonic secret society person, who was asked to set up an antisemitic, anticommunistic party in Germany for the purpose of pushing Jews out of Europe and for starting a war.

            Could Masonic circles have wanted a strong antisemitic Germany? There was a time, from Frederick the Great to the Napoleonic wars, when German Freemasonry was nationalistic and anti-Jacobine. But this time passed long before Sebottendorf. In his time German Freemasonry was not politically active. In the beginning of the 20th century no politically active (quasi-)Masonic circles, from Theosophists to the Learned Elders of Zion, would have wanted Nazi Germany to win the war and to become a major power. All these Masonic circles advanced British, American and Jewish interests, and they had a special interest in restoring Jews to Palestine. Germany was needed only for uprooting and collecting Jews so that they could be later sent to Palestine. Sebottendorf’s Thule and DAP were a part of the antisemitic wave, which was needed to get the Jews to move to Palestine. The original Germanenorder probably was antisemitic, but Sebottendorf’s Thule Society was antisemitic for the purpose of creating Israel.

            But what about NSDAP’s nationalism and the Aryan master race? It seems to be not quite as it is told. Sebottendorf already included to DAP’s program the two most potent keywords of the time: nationalism and socialism. Socialism was just added there in order to get more members to the party. Hitler liquidated the socialists and SA as soon as he could. Tegtmeier argues convincingly that also nationalism was just a keyword.

            Hitler did not think highly of the racial teachings of professors. That was only a tool. Was nationalism and the Aryan race only a keyword to Hitler? There are many quotes from Hitler that seems to show that he was pro-Germany, but Tegtmeier has found two interesting quotes from Hitler:

            “Der Begriff der Nation ist leer geworden. Ich habe mit ihm aus zeitgeschichtlichen Gründen noch beginnen müssen […] Der Tag wird kommen, an dem landläufligen Nationalismus nich viel übriggeblieben sein wird, auch bei den Deutchen nicht.” (Tegtmeier p. 122.) ( The concept of the nation has become empty. I had to start with him for historical reasons […] The day will come when common nationalism will not have much left, even among the Germans.)

            “Also muss ich diese Nationen in eine höhere Ordnung umschmelzen,…” (Tegtmeier p 123) (So I have to remake these nations into a higher order)

            These seem to indicate that nationalism was only a keyword for Hitler, Nazis and Thule. Also the Aryan race was just a keyword, but the hierarchical society was not. There were to be übermenchen and untermenchen. The concept of a hierarchical society resembles Platon’s ideal society in the Republic. The process of degeneration in the Republic is that from the ideal society the society structure changes to an oligargy, then to democracy, and then to tyranny. Freemasons well understood this process. In order to get back to the ideal hierarchical society a dictatorship is needed as an intermediate stage. The ideal society naturally includes slaves, as all antique societies had slavery. This, probably was a real goal. I suspect it is not unlike the present true goal of globalists.

            Hitler was chosen to fill a Masonic goal and this Masonic goal must have included Germany’s defeat, because Masons would not have wanted Nazis to win. As Hitler was the unquestioned Führer of Nazi Germany, it follows that Hitler was the person who had to guarantee that Germany would lose the war.

            I naturally do not expect that I would manage to convince the hypothetical readers of this book (but I expect that there will be very few readers) of the claim that Hitler lost the war on purpose, but I can try to reformulate the argument. After all, repeating a claim does make it finally the truth. Did Hitler or Goebbels say something like that? Anyway, we know it from teaching students, repetition does work. The whole theoretical physics community has accepted Einstein’s Special and General Relativity Theories as true and excellenty verified, while both are shown incorrect by simple calculations and they have not been verified. This is because whatever is taught to students is accepted by the majority as true. If this is so in theoretical physics, it is even more so in history. But as said, I hardly will convince the reader, but will make a try in a later chapter of this book. 

            Let us be precise: I do not claim that high Nazis wanted Germany to lose the war, the claim is only of Hitler. Indeed, Goebbels wrote into his diary: “Ünsere Ende wird das Ende des Universums sein!” (Our end will be the end of the universe!) and then he murdered his family and himself. Tegtmeier (E.R. Carmin, Das Schwarze Reich p. 159) says that Karl Haushofer thought the same before murdering his wife and committing a suicide. Some Nazis believed there was some future for the universe even if Germany lost. Himmler tried to escape and ate cyanide only after being captured. A few high Nazis escaped. Yet, the question is what Sebottendorf and Hitler thought about Germany.

            Concerning Sebottendorf I see no reason to assume he was so worried about the future of Germany. Sebottendorf died in 1945, Tegtmeier informs that his body was found from the Black Sea. Maybe he killed himself, maybe he was killed. It may well be because he knew too much, even that he knew too much of the Thule Society, but it does not follow that he necessarily wanted Germany to win the war. He spent a lot of time in Turkey in Masonic and crypto-Jewish circles. These Masonic and Messianic people were most probably mainly interested in the Young Turk revolution and the question of Palestine. The chosen way Jews would return to Palestine was that Turkey lost Palestine to England and England was forced to sign the Balfour Declaration. It is quite possible that other known members of the Thule Society did believe all Thule lore of the Aryan destiny, but those beliefs were from the Germanorder and go back to Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List, not to “von” Sebottendorf. The members joined an Aryan secret society and we can assume they felt Aryan. (Though, the highly anti-Semitic Thule did have Jewish members, like Erik Jan Hanussen. Maybe it was a bit like the highly anti-Semitic The Unz Review, where the site owner and many main writers are Jewish. But Hanussen was assassinated by the SA in 1933.)

            But this is not the way Hitler joined Nazis. Hitler was sent to DAP by German army intelligence. Tegtmeier p. 82 tells that Hauptmann Mayr, who sent Hitler to DAP, wrote in his opinion of young Hitler: “Die Frage nach den Zukunft des deutschen Volkes habe für Hitler damals überhaupt keine Rolle gespielt.” (The question of the future of the German people has for Hitler never played any role. The source is Toland.) Teigtmeier also refers to Hermann Rauschning, who wrote a quote from Hitler: “Ihr wisst nichts von mir, meine Parteigenossen haben keine Ahnung von den Träumen, die mich bewegen, und von dem grandiosen Gebäude, dessen Grundmauer zumindest stehen werden, wenn ich sterbe… Was hier vor sich geht, ist mehr als das Heraufziehen einer neuen Religion.” (They do not know anything of me, my party members have no idea of the dreams that are of concern to me, and of the grand construction whose foundation at least will be when I die… What this is is more than outline a new religion, Tegtmeier p. 19) Hitler was building something more than a religion, something much more than Germany, and more than the Aryan destiny. He was trying to start the new era, create the new man, and establish the new world order, or maybe simply: he was laying the ground for new Israel. What he for sure did not mean here is the Third Reich or Himmler’s Ahnenerbe religion for SS men, as these were known to NSDAP members.

            Now we know that we do not really know what Hitler though of Germany and if it is so impossible that he lost the war on purpose. But that topic will be treated in a later chapter.


1J. Jormakka, Calculation of the Jewish death toll in the Second World War, 2021:


2E. R. Carmin (i.e., Ralph Tegtmeier), Das Schwarze Reich, Nicol, 2010.

3 ibid. Tegtmeier p. 74, refers to a text by Sebottendorf.

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