Was John F. Kennedy killed by a UFO?

No, I have not got that crazy yet, but there is a UFO in the Zapruder film. It starts from the flash in the frame 313 when JFK supposedly was hit in the head and it continues as a bright spot all the way to the frame 342. See the Zapruder film frames 313 to 347 in this Costella Combined Edit site


           I have no way of knowing if these frames are authentic from the original Zapruder film, but let us assume they are fine. They do look similar to Zapruder frames from other sites. The bright spot the frame 326 is between JFK and Jackie. You see the reflection of Jackie’s watch in the left hand and of the reflection of her right hand for comparison. Because WP automatically upgraded itself to a non-working version a few days ago I cannot at the moment add figures or add this text as a file, so I can only ask you to take the frames from the above mentioned site and if needed put them to Paint and cut and magnify a part of them.

            Starting forward from the frame 313 there is a yellow flash in 313. The flash stays as yellow light between JFK and Jackie in 314-316. The bright spot appears as brighter light in 317 on the right side of JFK’s head. JFK moves back from 313 to 319. He is furthest back between the frames from 319 to 323. From 323 to 328 JFK’s head moves forward to Jackie’s arms. The bright spot is on the right side of JFK’s head for the whole period 317 to 323. Between the frames 324 and 328 the bright spot is between JFK and Jackie, but it is always close to JFK’s head. From 329 to 336 JFK’s head is visible and the bright spot is next to the head, in front of Jackie’s left arm. In 340 the head is visible and the bright spot is next to the head. In the frame 342 the bright spot is on Jackie’s left arm but it is difficult to see where JFK’s head is. In the frame 347 Jackie is already up and will soon be running back on the trunk of the car. There is a light spot in her arm, but it looks like a normal reflection, which there are several in that frame, while JFK is laying on the seat.

            As a conclusion, JFK moves back from 313 to 319 and then to front from 323 to 340 and then in some way is layed down. The bright spot is on the right side of his head from the frame 317 to 340 and the bright spot still stays in 342. After that the bright spot disappears and there only remains a white light reflection. What can this bright yellow spot be?

            In the frame 324 just above the bright spots appears a light spot. It moves to the left in 325 and in 326 turns out to be Jackie’s hand. The left had of Jackie has also a light spot in 326. That may be a watch and that is likely to be the white spot seen in the frame 347. That is what light reflections on Jackie and JFK should look like. The yellow spot is not a light reflection, it is something associated with the flash in the frame 313.

            In the frame 313 there is a line going up from the light flash. The same line is seen in 314 in an upper position. It cannot be a bullet as a bullet would not show in two frames. It could be a piece of JFK’s skull, but it could be something else.

            Some people have suggested that the yellow light is explosive ammunition. I would be strange if a shooter giving three shots from the back had one explosive bullet and two non-explosive ones and managed to hit to the head with the explosive one.

            Many other have proposed that the Zapruder film has been modified. I think it is so because there is the well known problem that JFK falls to the back and left while the shot supposedly came from the back. I earlier accepted the claim that first the head moves to the front: thus, there had to be a shot from the front even if there was an almost simultaneous shot from the back, but the claim that there were two bullers is excluded by most JFK researchers because of the wounds. I am not any JFK expert, but I have started to think that there could not be more than one bullet, that there was no bullet from the back.     

           Take a look at Zapruder frames 311, 312, 313 and 314. The distance between FFK’s collar in the back of the head and the right front bar of the blue separator between the driver and the passangers is 6.2 com in 311, 6.15 cm in 312, 6 cm in 313 and 6.1 cm in 314. So, his back does not move much in these frames. JFK’s chin is at the distance of 5.7 cm from the right front bar of the blue separator in both 312 and 314, so his chin is not moving.

The head does appear to move down from 312 to 313, but if you carefully look, the head changes shape from 312 to 313, that is, the back of the head is missing. See the shape of the back of the head in the frame 313 (you better magnify it in Paint).

           In 315 JFK’s head seems to be back to normal and there is a bright spot already in this frame.

            If the back of the head has been wiped out in 313 there is no reason to think that the head moved forward and that there was a head shot from the back.

            As for this what the bright spot is, there are the two possible explanations. Maybe it could maybe be caused by a flare gun or an explosive bulled shot from the front, but the bright spot in 315 is not very close to JFK’s head. I do not think it is in his head at all.  

The other explanation is that the flash and the bright spot are added to the film. Apparently there is a negative of the Zapruder film with the light flash. If it is added, a new negative must have been made by filming the film. The line going up in the frame 313 could be what remains to be seen from a hot wire used to lighten something, maybe a tiny piece of phosphorus from a match head. Such a piece would glow a a yellow bright spot for many frame times.

            If we assume that the bullet came from the front, then the autopsy report in Betshesda should be wrong. One of of the Bethesda pathologists, James C. Jenkins, is interviewed in

In around 30:41 he says that the missing piece of the skull was in the back of the brain and tells that there was an incision. In the video he thinks that the shot came from the front and that there was a surgical operation in a third place before the body came to Bethesda. At around 52:13 Jenkins points towards the Grassy Knoll where the shot should have come from and says he never saw any entry wound in the back of the head. Malcolm Perry from the Parkland doctor also says that there was a large wound in the right posterior area

and that the nect would was an entry wound.

            So, we have eyewitnesses who disagree with the official autopsy report. The autopsy report was used as the best evidence by Warren Commission lawyers as lawyers apparently work that way. (As for logic, that is a crooked way, what if the autopsy report is not honest.) There is a strange thing with eyewitnesses. In some events, like the holocaust, you are supposed to believe eyewittnesses even it their statements are rather unbelieveable, while in others, as in the case of these doctors, you are supposed to ignore eyewittness statements. It seems to depend on what they say, not on who they are. On maybe it depends on who they are? Very strange anyway.  

            I am not a medical doctor and will not make any guesses concerning the wounds that JFK had or did not have. However, I did work on communication for many years and feel quite competent in saying something of signals. The pertinent question for me is: does the possibility that there was only one shot to the head and it came from the front change anything in the synchronization of the impulses from the Dictabelt with the Zapruder film?

            It does not. The reason is that there are no possible impulses after the impulse on 58.8s that could be gunshots. (The starting time I use is that the bell is around 56s.) Therefore we cannot move the three clear gunshot impulses at the times 52.5s, 55.6s and 58.8s to any earlier time. The one at 58.8s is the last impulse in the tape and it must be the headshot, regardless of where the shot came from. Timing of the other impulses does not change and let me repeat the very simple logic that shows that Oswald was not the only shooter in a way that does not require any information of the autopsy.

            There is tampering on the Audiograph: the signal shape of the speech period called Hold (“Hold everything secure…”) is too regular to be human speech. Thus, the record has been modified. Also, a group of scientists supporting the official theory wrote a rebuttal to a paper of Donald Thomas. This rebuttal has an elementary error that I explain in my first paper on JFK, see this blog or vixra. The rebuttal was published, thus there is an effort to confuse the Dictabelt findings. The only explanation for these two facts is tha the Dictabelt does contain the shots and some influencial people do not like it to be analyzed.

            As the Dictabelt contains the shots, they can be easily found. Gunshots have a wide spectum and a typical pulse length. You can find these signals from the Dictabelt. It is not that long. There are three clear signals that look like gunshots, at 52.5s, 55.6s and 58.8s (the timing is that the bell is around 56s). After finding these signals, you can locate all other possible gunshot impulses. There are weaker impulses at 53.3s, 53.8s and 55.8s. They may or may not be gunshots, but for sure they are not from the same weapon as the other three.

            Now you reason like this. The last possible gunshot impulse is at 58.8s, so it must be frame 313 when JFK was shot at the head. The nominal speed of the Zapruder film is 18.3 fps. Thus 58.8-55.6=3.2s corresponds to 59 frames. If 58.8s is the frame 313, then 55.6s is the frame 254. Likewise 58.8-52.5=6.3s and 52.5s corresponds to the frame around 313-115=198. The actual speed typically differs slightly from the nominal speed.

            The frame 197 is shaken. If we assume that Zapruder hearing the shot shook the camera and this is why the frame 197 is shaken. Then, when was the shot? One frame time is 54 ms. The reflex time is about 150ms. Thus, the shot should have come in the frame 194. If so, the actual speed of the camera was (313-194)/(58.8-52.5)=18.9 fps, which is within acceptable values. Then the gunshot impulse at 55.6s is at the frame 313-18.9*3.2=252/253.

Now we have three shots. The first around the frame 194 is a miss, nobody reacts to it. The second one is around the frame 252 when JFK and Connally are already hit. Thus, there had to be more than three shots and the theory of Oswald as the only shooter is impossible.

            We do not need to place the fourth shot in this argument, but there are possible impulses at 53.2s and 53.8s. They correspond to frames 207 and 218/219 and are quite possible times when JFK was hit in the back and Connally got his wounds.

           How does this change if we assume JFK was hit in the head only from the front? It does not change. There still had to be two almost simultaneous shots, one from the rear and one from the front around 58.8s. Only the one from the front hit JFK. But this small change opens an interesting possibility. If the third shot from the rear had hit the head of a moving target, then I would conclude that the shot did not come from a rifle with a defective sight. It is relatively difficult to hit a moving target, especially through a telescopic sight. However, if the last shot did not hit the head, it does make it possible that the shot came from the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. And then there is a possible explanation why the sight was defective. Maybe it was not defective but turned to give and advance: right and up, so that the shooter could keep the target in the center of the sight and the rifle would shoot to the future place of the vehicle. If would only work for one speed and in one place, but somebody like Oswald might have tried it. This may not be an impossible explanation.

            Why I wrote this post after stating that I am over with JFK? It is because somebody in The Unz Review recommended the book of David Lifton. That book had the thesis that JFK’s wounds were modified before the body arrived to the Bethesda hospital. That may be so, I watched the interview of Jenkins and listened an audio with Lifton. Then I checked if this new fact (to me) changes anything in what I concluded earlier. It does not change much, merely that the last shot from the rear did not hit JFK.

            Neither Lifton nor Jenkins mentioned Israel, while Piper mentioned Israel even in a very repetitive way. What I have to say on that issue is that remember such presidents as Nixon and Clinton, did they manage to stop the media from publishing something against them? Is anybody afraid of publishing claims that Lyndon B. Johnson ordered the assassination? Or that it was the Secret Service or the CIA? Of course not, you can say all this, the USA is a free country. But if you write something like Piper, then you do not get the book published, because it is not a so free country that you could write and publish anything you like. Just find whom you can criticize and whom not. That is called practical wisdom. 

           I mention that the cover-up is still there. It is shown by the false rebuttal of the paper by Donald Thomas. While his paper identified the impulses incorrectly, using the HSCA study, the rebuttal has a ridiculous argument where all times are given (intentionally, for sure) incorrectly. That is a cover-up. The cover-up is not made to protect any president, dead or alive, the CIA, the Secret Service, the Cubans, the Soviets, Jackey Kennedy, the Mob, or any of those you might think masterminded this assassination. So, reflect for a while, what can be a group that would and can suppress a topic that certainly would interest the public and you have the answer. It is so rare to be able to do anything like that that elimination of the alternatives works practically every time and it always leads to the same culprit.

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