Welcome the New Brave World

Great! I already know what the new world order will be like. Some paleo-traditional conspiracy theoreticians imagine it will be the totalitarian one-world directly from Orwell. How old fashioned and unimaginative. Besides, the time already passed when it was still possible to set up this peoples heaven, the totalitarian paradise ruled by a puppet world government, something what the UN will never be, and in reality ruled by the mysterious Them. Actually, those Them are not so difficult to figure out as they must have something to do with globalization and those who gain and promote globalization are international investors.

            I am always amused reading writers like Noam Chomsky or Naomi Klein, or that ilk of people. It is not that they are not correct in almost everything they write. They are mostly correct, but they always have to stress that there is no conspiracy. Probably, should they admit that there is a conspiracy, their economical backer, some obscure international speculator, sorry, a philanthropist, one of the best of the people, might get pissed off. That is why for these authors the culprit is the USA, or we all normal people, or capitalism, or something, but it is never any conspiracy. They also have a bit twisted view of Israel. Knowing that Israel does seem to have a special relation to these culprits, these authors condemn Israel but explain how it is just a foot soldier of the mighty superpower.

            And then these authors always believe that Osama bin Laden made the 911 attack, and that there was the Holocaust with 6 big ones. It would be nice if one of these authors once made the calculation of this 6M and noticed that Jewish data gives 4.5M, but 3.5M of these losses are on the area that the Soviet Union controlled before the Barbarossa Operation. As 3.5M losses cannot be explained in this limited area, the natural solution is that Soviet population figures must be mistaken by one million both before the war and after it, before as 1M Ukrainian Jews are counted both in the Polish and Ukrainian figures, and after because calculating backwards from a Soviet census says so. So, I like reading these types of authors. They all write well, and most of what they write is true, but it is still propaganda.

            Well, there was a conspiracy and this conspiracy did aim to set up a totalitarian one-world, rather like the Soviet Union. But that time passed. Now there is a better Brave New World. It is not that They are making this new catastrophe. It happens and cannot be helped. They only make the best of it. There is not much else to do. Who adds knowledge adds suffering. Blame science. In this new world there are all these unknown viruses that every now and then force governments to impose so total quarantines that the economy remains ruined. It is of course not only viruses. I forgot the superbacteria. Bacteria are worse than viruses, only we forgot it as they can be killed with antibiotics. I guess you know that some cannot. Those that cannot become immune, but they are not so infective. Or that is what you think. I bet there are in some bioweapon laboratory many strains of highly infective bacteria that have been cultivated to be immune to all known antibiotics. You say, but these cannot be used as there is no way to limit them, and you are right in the second part but wrong in the first part. It would be so if a country, like our dear superpower, would like to reach world power (which it already has, so why to reach it) by attacking its enemies with super-bioweapons. It would not do so, but it is not a country. The conspiracy is not a country. Some people will easily manage to stay safe.     They can even travel to different countries and spend holidays in the best tourist places. That is, if there are every now and then outbursts of killer viruses and bacteria, there cannot be mass tourism. Then who could be the tourists? We still have airplanes. Somebody should use them. The easy solution is that the superrich use them. It is a small group, but if the fees are high enough, they suffice as customers to all services. In fact, the fees do not need to be that high as country average salaries will be somewhere around a dollar a day. That is clearly where the neoclassical economic theory (or was it neoliberal or neoconservative?) leads. Nothing can be developed because international capital moves in and out and reduces all countries to colonies. Colonies to what? Yes, there has to be some core that is not a colony. People working in that core can have a bit higher salaries. Mostly the work is done by robots and programs, but admittedly, some people are needed.

            This ruin of economy implied by neoclassical economic theories and effectuated by random outbursts of killed viruses is not all. Let us not forget the climatic catastrophes. In the Brave New World there will be hurricanes and tsunamis, or just super-storms. Nothing is ever repaired. The economic loss is minimized if those who lost everything originally had nothing. It is Naomi Klein’s type catastrophe capitalism, only the cleared beaches will not be filled by hotels for mass tourism. They will be filled with something for a select few. You see, I do think Klein, like Chomsky, or Stiglitz, or Chossudovsky, are all correct in most things. Only, they do not see any conspiracy. I have started to see one, the same one all the time. And then, of course, I am a pessimist, they are optimists. But personally, I am not pessimist, I am a hopeless optimist: in reality things are incomparably much worse that I even can imagine.


Ronny April 1, 2020 Reply

The NWO has already occured. With the invention of SS#, incorporating countries, states and cities, incorporating personhood, thus superceding God’s Law and allodial title, imposing the banking scheme via the greenback scam by Lincoln, his Whigs and the Frankfurt Jew reconstructionists such as Belmont who worked for Rothschild, Seligman, etc.

The NWO will not be dystopian at first. It’s alreaduf here, it is just slowly moving US INTO A MULTILATERAL WORLD.

Just search articles on Bank for International Settlements or the IMF, they all encourage multilateralsim.

jorma April 1, 2020 Reply

I agree with you, NWO as planned is here already, but now we are moving to a world that will be even more divided between the rich and the trash, that is, us. Ruined, poor, restrictions, because of big money, but also health and environmental reasons.

Ronny April 1, 2020 Reply

>>> They also have a bit twisted view of Israel. Knowing that Israel does seem to have a special relation to these culprits, these authors condemn Israel but explain how it is just a foot soldier of the mighty superpower.

Their view of Israel is to gatekeep Israel’s crimes. Michael Collins Piper and James Petras exposes these left-leaning controlled oppositions. Read Petras’s 15 point thesis on Noam Chomsky. Chomsky discredits himself when he attacks 9/11 skeptics and says “who cares who killed JFK.”

jorma April 1, 2020 Reply

I just reread two of Chomsky’s books. He is correct in much what he says, and he blames the USA, but has the blind spot, as all of this group of critics. If it is the USA, and it is irrelevant who is the president of the USA, as Chomsky notices, then who has the power in the USA? Hint, it is always those that you are not allowed to criticize, you can criticize the president and the USA and the military-industrial complex, and the queen of England, and almost everybody, but not everybody. But I must admit that Chomsky does explain many Israel’s crimes, as many of these authors do. Only they claim that Israel is just a small helper of the USA. They never notice that the USA is ruled by some ZOG or similar.

Ronny April 1, 2020 Reply

One thing is for sure, David Astle has shown that bankers and the moneypower have always desired a world empire, overt or covert. The use of debt to enslave the people by imposing permanent public debt via government bonds, is not a new phenomenon. Schemes have existed like this in Sumer to Egypt; from Egypt to Babylon, and so on.

Jews were often the middlemen, money-men of the Kings and Monarchs; they’ve essentially perfected banking, particularly the Marranos. Of course I am not implying that ALL Jews are involved in this scheme, but it is curious that their Holy books allow usury on non-Jews.

Whereas, Christianity, not the bastardized Christiandom; Jesus’s teachings and even Islam ban it.

I do not think it is anti-Semitic to point out these facts, because they do have historical evidence.

jorma April 1, 2020 Reply

In one parable Jesus seems to accept taking interest. It is that one where the landlord complains about his servant, who buried his share in the ground. The landlord says, why did you not put it to the bank so that I would have got the interest. Jews were very familiar with moneylending and banking in Roman times, though history books mostly mention rich Romans (like Crassus) as bankers. I do not think any of these comments are anti-Semitic. I personally deny being anti-Semitic, as little as I am anti New Zealand or whatever country or people that I know practically nothing of. But studying history does show that Jews did deal with money, and the conspiracy is bankers for sure.

Ronny April 1, 2020

You might find the book ‘… And forgive them their debts : lending, foreclosure and redemption from Bronze Age finance to the Jubilee Year’ interesting. Michael Hudson, in the last part of the book investigates Jesus and his thoughts and preaching about interest and usury. He proclaimed a Jubilee and was againt Usury on the poor. The tenet, vine-dresser parable was not encouraging usury but being servants to others; the owner was God in this case. When the servant went against orders, the landlord ordered that he should have put it in the bank to make up interest. Most interpretations of these verses do not conclude that Jesus encouraged lending at interest.



“The practice of lending money at interest,” was the original def. in the biblical view.

Luke 6:35

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.

“If you have money, do not lend it out at interest. Rather, give to one from whom you will not get it back.” (Thomas 95) (I know Thomas is not canon)

Originaly, ‘Our Farther’ was forgive debts, but was changed to forgive trespasses.

jorma April 1, 2020

I will see if I find the book as a free version somewhere, nowadays as a pensioner I seldom buy books.

As it is mentioned in the Fiddle of the Roof, Jesus said many things. Some of the interpretations are not what we think they are. Indeed, the Old testament forbids taking interest from Jews but allows taking interest from non-Jews. Jesus must have taught the same. So, he both opposed usury and accepted taking interest, depending on to whom you lend money. In a similar way, many Christians think that when Jesus said, whose image is in the coin? / Caesar’s / Give Caesar what is his and to God what is Gods, many think that this in some way accepts paying taxes to Romans when very clearly this is simply that engraven images are not allowed, so Jesus could not keep any such coin. That is why Peter at some point takes a coin from fish’s mouth and gives it as the temple tax (which is an allowed tax) so that Jesus does not need to touch the coin, which probably has an engraven image of Caesar, who claims to be divine.

There are many similar interpretation mistakes in the common reading of the New Testament. Surely Jesus could not disaprove taking interest from non-Jews as it is allowed in the Torah.

jorma April 1, 2020

This Jubilee idea is very interesting. It certainly fits to everything I know of Jesus. Pharisees, walkers of the slippery road, did not obey the Jubilee rule. That was clearly a deadly sin to Jesus. Thanks for bringing this idea up. I must think of it. Jesus also said, you cannot serve two masters God and money. Money was the Satan for Jesus and his brother James.

Ronny April 1, 2020

Here’s an excerpt from an interview with Michael Hudson:

Michael Hudson: “Christianity began as a protest movement, but it was a protest movement that was very conservative. We know from the Dead Sea Scrolls – essentially the library of the Temple of Jerusalem hidden to protect it from the Romans – that what Jesus wanted to do was just what he announced in the first sermon that he gave. It is reported in Luke, Chapter 4. He said “I’ve come to proclaim the year of the Lord,” meaning the Jubilee Year. He unrolled the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah that described the Jubilee Year.”

“He said that the rabbis who opposed to be cancelling debts – the Pharisees, a conservative group of rabbis led most notably by Hillel – had developed a special clause that was similar to what the Babylonians creditors had tried to do. It was called the prosbul clause. A debtor who needed money would have to sign a waiver saying, “I agree not to avail myself of the rights that the Bible promises me in the Jubilee Year. So if the debts are cancelled, I waive my rights and the creditor can foreclose anyway.””

“Jesus explained in his sermon that this was against the Mosaic Law – the law of Leviticus, chapter 25. It was in fact against everything the Old Testament talks about. (My book has the relevant Dead Sea scrolls.) But rabbinical Judaism was being taken over by pro-creditor Pharisees. Luke quotes Jesus as describing them as being avid for money, and working for the creditor class.”

jorma April 1, 2020

Interesting. Something I did not know. Does your book have the Dead Sea Scroll fragment numbers (Qxxx) that I could search the text.
Jesus for sure thought himself as the promised Messiah, but it is not in contradiction that he would have promised the Jubilee Year. The letter of James in the New Testament very strongly condemns the rich and thought the letter is not considered necessarily authentic, it is for certain from the Church of James in Jerusalem.

Ronny April 8, 2020 Reply

>>Dead Sea Scroll fragment numbers (Qxxx) that I could search the text.

That’s a quote from Michael Hudson who has his own website and contact page, so you could contact him if you’d like. He’s well researched and the book I referenced above has all the relevant dead sea scroll numbers, I’d have to read the chapters over again to find them.

jorma April 8, 2020 Reply

I will look. Thanks.

wilfried May 5, 2020 Reply

I bought Michael Hudson’s book a few months ago.
It has only the Dea Sea Scroll 11QMelchizedek (based on Sanders 1973, apud J.T.Milik in JJA 23(1973), in chapter 2,page 12 of the book, butt offers a extensive Chronology of Clean Slates and Debt Revolts in Antiquity in Chapter 3, pages 29 till 34 of the book)..
It offers a lot of info imo for readers for those who are interested in the origines and anthropology of usury (started not in Phenoecia but earlier, in Sumer) and for people interested in the bible.
The first cancellation of debt known in history was by the third millenium’s Mesopotanmian city of Lagash’s ruler Enmeten (2404-2375 BC). After his victory c. 2400 BC he inscribed the earliest known amar-gi law cancelling agrarian debts and obligations.
Will write you more about it on another day.

jorma May 5, 2020 Reply

Very interesting. I will look at this. Thanks.

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