Did Hitler lose the Second World War on purpose? part 3

I have been reading Ralph Tegtmeier’s book E.R. Carmin: Das Schwarze Reich again from the beginning with the question of the topic in mind. It is a really interesting book, though there are many slightly doubtful statements and you have to check all. There are footnotes, but not to all claims, and some footnotes are not to reliable sources. Nevertheless, the book throws quite a bit of light to the question.

            As a scientist, I naturally do not trust any book of history however interesting or convincing it may be (history is not a scientific field), so I try to find an argument that uses a small number of verified facts and derives the conclusion from them. Of course, I try my best to check that my conclusions are not in contradiction with any other facts: no real contradiction can exist, thus there must be an error somewhere and such a case can often be solved.

            This all understood, let’s list a few facts.

            Hitler was taken to DAP by a group of Thule Society members (Dietrich Eckart, Karl Haushofer, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg), who were searching for a leader to DAP. As Hess wrote, the leader would have to be a merciless dictator. Hitler was sent to the DAP meeting by army intelligence. Thule leaders found Hitler suitable for the task of a leader and Eckart trained him personally. Eckart died in 1923. In that year he either wrote to a friend or said shortly before dying: Follow Hitler, he will dance but we have composed the music. This quote is in so many books by historians that Eckart must have said something like it. As Tegtmeier explains, Thule had already everything ready for NSDAP. Even the name NSDAP was there before Hitler joined DAP. Hitler was a good speaker, but most probably not a natural one as Tegtmeier found text from Le Bon’s “Psychologie der Massen´form 1895. It explains how to speak to masses and the proposed way is very much the same as Hitler’s.

            Rudolf von Sebottendorf, who founded the Thule Society, stepped aside in 1919. he wrote at that time: “Die Thule-Gesellschaft hatte ihren Zweck erfullt, sie musste vergehen, damit das Neue werden konnte, das schon an de Schwelle stand”. (The Thule Society had served its purpose, it had to pass, so that could become the new, which was already at the threshold.) Tegtmeier p. 74, refers to a text by Sebottendorf. So, Thule was needed only to lay the basis for NSDAP. The Thule Society was dissolved in 1930. Sebottendorf moved to Turkey, then to the USA and Mexico. He returned to Munich in 1933, published a book Before Hitler came. The book was banned by Nazis, Sebottendorf was imprisoned for a while and returned to Turkey.

            There is a clear effort to downplay the role of the Thule Society in the creation of the Nazi party. Indeed, Thule, just like many Masonic secret societies, was more a political force than an esoteric society. It did have esoteric lore, as secret societies had to have in those times, but the essential teachings were the racial doctrine, antisemitism, anticommunism, Lebensraum from the Eastern Europe, the hierarchical society model with slaves on bottom, and the need for a dictator, who would save Germany. These all were included in the program of NSDAP. Sebottendorf has also bought the Münchener Beobachter as the bulletin of the society, it later become NSDAP’s party journal. It is quite correct to say that Sebottendorf and other members of Thule created all basic elements for NSDAP and Hitler’s political program.

            In Mein Kampf Hitler criticizes völkish teachings and the connection with the Thule Society (which represented these teachings) were discontinued. However, this fact is easily misunderstood. These völkish teachings were something that the Thule Society obtained by the way it was created. Sebottendorf joined in 1917 a völkish secret society Germanenorder and splitted from it a splinter group Germanenorder Walvater of the Holy Grail. A year later Sebottendorf adopted the name Thule Society (originally a cover name used by Walter Nauhau’s Germanenorder lodge) for his secret society. Sebottendorf himself brought to the secret society Theosophic teachings. It was naturally easier for Sebottendorf to infiltrate an existing secret society than to create one from the scratch. Germanenorder had Aryan lore and antisemitic believes, but it also studied runes, homeland of Germans and all such things.

           Nothing in Sebottendorf’s history suggests that he was an Aryan racist or an antisemitist before he joined the Germanenorder in 1917. Sebottendorf studied Ismaili esoteric teachings in Turkey, which suggests that he had contacts with Dönmeh. He also joined Mizraim Freemasonry in Turkey with the help of some Jews, which also implies that he had connections to Dönmeh. Sebottendorf also joined a Rosicrusian society and Theosophy. Later he studied esoterics in Egypt. Notice, that Freemasons (including many people from Donmeh) had raised New Turks to power in Turkey, that Palestine was in Turkey, and it hardly is probable that Sebottendorf was simply interested in esoteric things and thought that in Germany in 1917 (during the war, the time of the Balfour declaration and an effort to get Palestine from Turkey) was a place where people might be interested in esoterics. Nevertheless, Thule was political from the start. The simplest explanation is that Sebottendorf was a very experienced Masonic secret society person, who was asked to set up an antisemitic, anticommunistic party in Germany for the purpose of pushing Jews out of Europe and for starting a war.

            Could Masonic circles have wanted a strong antisemitic Germany? There was a time, from Frederick the Great to the Napoleonic wars, when German Freemasonry was nationalistic and anti-Jacobine. But this time passed long before Sebottendorf. In his time German Freemasonry was not politically active. In the beginning of the 20th century no politically active (quasi-)Masonic circles, from Theosophists to the Learned Elders of Zion, would have wanted Nazi Germany to win the war and become a major power. All these Masonic circles advanced British, American and Jewish interests, and they had a special interest in restoring Jews to Palestine. Germany was needed only for uprooting and collecting Jews so that they could be later sent to Palestine. Sebottendorf’s Thule and DAP were a part of the antisemitic wave, which was needed to get the Jews to move to Palestine.

            But what about NSDAP’s nationalism and the Aryan master race? It seems to be not quite as it is told. Sebottendorf already included to DAP’s program the two most potent keywords of the time: nationalism and socialism. Socialism was just added there to get more members to the party. Hitler liquidated the socialists and SA as soon as he could. Tegtmeier argues convincingly that also nationalism was just a keyword.

            Hitler did not think highly of the racial teachings of professors. That was only a tool. Was nationalism and the Aryan race only a keyword to Hitler? There are many quotes from Hitler that seems to show that he was pro-Germany, but Tegtmeier has found two interesting quotes from Hitler:

            “Der Begriff der Nation ist leer geworden. Ich habe mit ihm aus zeitgeschichtlichen Gründen noch beginnen müssen […] Der Tag wird kommen, an dem landläufligen Nationalismus nich viel übriggeblieben sein wird, auch bei den Deutchen nicht.” (Tegtmeier p. 122.) ( The concept of the nation has become empty. I had to start with him for historical reasons […] The day will come when common nationalism will not have much left, even among the Germans.)

            “Also muss ich diese Nationen in eine höhere Ordnung umschmelzen,…” (Teglmeier p 123) (So I have to remake these nations into a higher order)

            These seem to indicate that nationalism was only a keyword for Hitler, Nazis and Thule. Also the Aryan race was just a keyword, but the hierarchical society was not. There were to be übermenchen and untermenchen. The concept of a hierarchical society resembles Platon’s ideal society in the Republic. The process of degeneration in the Republic is that from the ideal society to society structure changes to an oligargy, then to democracy, and then to tyranny. Freemasons well understood this process. In order to get back to the ideal hierarchical society a dictatorship is needed as an intermediate stage. The ideal society naturally includes slaves, as all antique societies had slavery. This, probably was a real goal. It is not unlike the present goal of globalists.

            I think that the answer in the title of this post must be answered positively. Hitler was chosen to fill a Masonic goal and this Masonic goal must have included Germany’s defeat.   


Thhh September 16, 2019 Reply

I get it. But it is still conjecture. Do you really think Hitler lost the war on purpose, despite his absolute hatred for Bolshevism? Also, that banker I was talking about, a week or so ago, he was a Freemason. We also have Hitler’s aunt in the early 1950’s making her case concerning Hitler and his doctrine. I think he lost the war because nearly every state was aginst Germany. His alliance with Japan was a hope for Japan to fight the Soviet Union, so they too would have to fight a two sided war. That mever happened, but it does make sense, consodering Russia and Japan just recently had a war. He made some terrible military mistakes at the end of thr war, but it was also said he suffered from syphilis which can cause horrendous neurological problems if left untreated.

I’m not advocating for nazism. But Hitler’s rhetoric seemed to be staunchly against Bolshevism.

jorma September 16, 2019 Reply

“Do you really think Hitler lost the war on purpose, despite his absolute hatred for Bolshevism?”

Yes, I do think so. I agree that Hitler and Nazis were strongly against Bolshevism, but do not think it is in contradiction with Hitler attacking the Soviet Union and losing the war on purpose. Indeed, by moving Jews out of Central Europe Hitler may have believed that he saved Western and Central Europe from Bolshevism. I will write yet another post on this question to explain my thoughts better.

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