The tooth conspiracy

I am running out of good conspiracies in this blog, but there is one from teeth. It actually has several flavors. One is this that when I was in school in Finland there was state paid dental school care. In nine years these state paid dentists found every year a great number of cavities in my teeth and made about 20 amalgam fillings. In the last twenty years i have been in the dentist about three times and got about six fillings. I do not think I actually had that many holes before, but as these dentists were paid by the state, they found lots of holes, in some years over ten in a year, and made lots of fillings. As amalgam is somewhat poisonous, it may explain why I was depressed and had sleeping problems all years in the school.

           I recently checked the amalgam controversy. Amalgam fillings are a quite old invention, first in China, then in Europe, but they really started in Europe after 1818. A bit later in the nineteenth century the family of Samuel Crawcours, a Jew from Poland, made amalgam fillings popular in the USA and England. They were cheaper fillings and the operation was painless. Unfortunately these fillings were poorly made and in 1840s started the opposition to amalgam fillings: that they cause mercury poisoning. In 1930s there was much opposition to amalgam because scientific results showed that amalgam was dangerous. After the WWII these results, like many other results were suppressed. It is the same old story, so much was suppressed and nobody knew anymore what once was known. Today the EU has banned amalgam fillings. Only 3% of fillings in Finland are amalgam fillings, so I must have a large proportion of those still left. That is about it of the two flavors of this conspiracy.

            The third favor is that dental fillings give an independent way of counting how many Jews died in Auschwitz. I found information that in the second half of 1942 Nazis collected 16,325 gold or precious metal (=silver) fillings from 2,904 dead camp inmates. That gives 5.6 fillings per person. The figure 5.6 fillings per person fits quite well to what can be expected from people between the ages 20 and 65. We can assume that children we not given gold fillings and not all fillings were gold. About half of the registered inmates were Jewish and according to the official accounts unregistered inmates were gassed in great numbers and they were Jewish. Thus, at least half of the dead were Jewish. Jews were richer and probably knew better that amalgam is poisonous. They used gold or silver fillings more often. Therefore I estimate that is 2,903 people had gold or silver fillings died in the second half of 1942, then about 6,000 people died in the second half of 1942 in Auschwitz. This half accounts for 1/3 children, who did not have fillings, and to those who had amalgam fillings. Also many non-Jews had gold or silver fillings in those days: there were serious doubts of the safety of amalgam before the WW2. Thus, if 6,000 died in the second half of 1942, 12,000 died in a year and 60,000 died in five years.

            I have earlier used the estimate that 60,000 Jews died in Auschwitz and as they were half of all registered inmates, about 120,000 died in Auschwitz. The Dead Books give the number of dead in Auschwitz as 58,000 but these books are not complete and it is customary to estimate the number of deaths of registered inmates to 120,000, twice the number in the Dead Books. The estimate we get from gold and silver fillings fits very well. There would have been about 3,000*10=30,000 people, who died and had in average 5.6 gold or silver fillings in four years (2,904 in half a year, so 30,000 in five years). Assuming that Jews preferred gold or silver fillings to amalgam, this gives about 60,000 Jewish deaths in Auschwitz, agreeing with my earlier estimates.

           Notice that if there were about one million deaths of unregistered Jewish inmates, we should have about 500,000/10=50,000 people with gold or silver teeth in the second half of 1942 and there were 2,903. The official estimate appears to have a problem, though I do not question any official figures in this issue. The only way the official estimate could be correct is that the fraction of Jews having gold or silver fillings is much smaller than I have estimated, i.e., most of Jews had amalgam fillings. However, if only 30,000 inmates of 1-1.5 million had gold or silver fillings, it does seem too low. Anyway, this does not change the amount of dental gold Nazis collected in Auschwitz. It remains at 5.6 fillings from 30,000 people, which is only a small fraction of Nazi gold.

            How much gold does this make? If a dental filling is 10 karat, then it has about 1.2 g of gold, if 22 karats, then it has about 2.6 g gold. Most dental fillings are not 22 karat as such gold is too soft. We can estimate that an average filling had 1.5 g of gold. From 30,000 dead people with gold or silver fillings, not all Jewish, and 5.6 fillings per person, we get 252 kg of gold or silver. Does this agree with estimates that Nazis collected in Auschwitz 10-12 kg of gold in a month? In 5 years there is 60 months. That would give 600-720 kg of gold, but there were not as many dead in each month. Probably 250 kg of gold or silver is closer to the truth.

            Additionally there are the wedding rings. A wedding ring has maybe 4 g of gold. A woman has two, a man has one. Between one and one and half million inmates were sent to Auschwitz. They did not need to die in order to be robbed of jewelry. Maybe half of these people were wedded. From their wedding rings we get 3-4.5 tons of gold. Clearly, dental gold was a relatively insignificant part assuming simply that wedding rings were robbed in Auschwitz. Assuming the inmates had other gold we get to really big amounts. Lots of gold could be collected from inmates, as they most probably had jewels hidden somewhere.

Wedding rings are often lost in war time. In Finland wedding rings were collected for the war effort, it is better than that the enemy collects them to his war effort. But you lose the rings anyway.

           Nazis stole some 550 million dollars worth of gold from central banks of occupied countries. Using the price of gold $41.64 per gram, this means 13.2 million grams, i.e., 13.2 tons of gold. But this is assuming that 550 million dollars is given in present value. If it was 550 million dollars in 1940, then it was 9.6 billion dollars of 2017 and the amount of gold was 231 tons of gold. From wedding rings in Auschwitz they could get 3-4.5 tons of gold, and maybe the same from other jewels. As Nazis transported 3 million Jews, the amount of robbed gold from was probably 9-18 tons, similar to the amount stolen from central banks assuming 550 million dollars is given in present day dollars. But it may not be so.

            The Wikipedia in states at the end of the article:

“It is estimated that nearly 100 tons of Nazi gold were laundered through Swiss banks.”

           I do not know where this 100 tons comes from, but it seems that the amount 550 million dollars worth of gold was given in dollars of 1940. It it was given in dollars of today the total of robbed gold was more like 30 tons of gold. It could be, they got gold from selling other stolen goods. I cannot solve this, but probably most of the gold was stolen from central banks.

            Thus, Nazis did rob lots of gold and other valuables, and much of it from Jews, but it is misleading to think that most of the Nazi gold was from dental fillings of Jews.

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