Einstein’s gravitation theory is wrong, Nordstrom’s is correct

I have to apologize for the long delay in writing posts. For the last few weeks I have been busy calculating Cristoffel symbols, Ricci tensors, Fourier series and that sort of things. It takes quite much effort to check whether Einstein’s General Relativity or Gunnar Nordstrom’s second gravitation theory pass the four tests of General Relativity.

It is claimed that Nordstrom’s theory fails three out of four and Einstein’s theory passes them all.

It is not so. Einstein’s theory fails three of four tests. Nordstrom’s theory passes the tests or remains inconclusive. The result is in this link


I sent my paper to a professor in Helsinki who once worked in the same room with me and asked to read the paper or to give it to somebody who would read it. The professor has not answered. Usually they do not. If you have a paper that is clearly wrong, then they answer, but if they cannot find errors they just keep silent and do not say anything. I think it is kind of impolite. I personally would at least answer something. But these do not. It is the same if I send the paper to a journal. The editor does not send it to referees. Either he forgets the paper totally (the Bell paper is in a journal, forgotten, not sent to referees, not made decision, now for over a month), or invents some reason for not reading it, like that could not find a referee. It is practically impossible to get such papers checked by anybody. They all sneak out. And I spent a month calculating all those Cristoffel symbols and other things. Much work and it is not any rubbish paper. That is how it is nowadays in physics, and also in mathematics.

Why is that so? It is so that scientists who work on one topic can notice that the paper is not written by someone from their group and for the same reason why outsiders are rejected by a group (that is the mechanism in racism), they reject the paper without reading it. It is very similar to if you as a foreigner try to speak the language of the natives with the natives: they immediately notice you are not a native. It has nothing to do with the content, it is the form, some differences in the form causes the members of a group to see that this is from an outsider and therefore a group rejects it.

Scientists who work all their life on one field cannot believe that anybody could do research on many fields, as they themselves have not done so. It is possible. I make calculations, about 10 A4 pages in a day when I do mathematical research. That is 300 pages in a month. About 10% of it is useful as I many times have to recalculate and many efforts lead to nowhere. In this way the 30 page paper on General Relativity required 300 pages of calculations and took a month. This is still little, each Clay Millennium problem took me 4-6 months. That is 1200-1800 pages of calculations, of which came one paper, a solution. Then I send it to some expert or editor. Has the expert or editor made 1500 pages of calculations of this particular problem? Almost certainly has not. Thus, I know the problem much better than he does, even though he knows the field wider than I, and I know many fields so in this way I know mathematics very possibly much wider than he. Faced with these calculations that would take him a long time to check, he rejects the paper. This is the mechanims.


Neku August 26, 2021 Reply

Hello, There is a forum debunking all kind of hoaxes in logical way using also mostly common sense and critical thinking and not just taking the modern “scientific facts” for granted or bowing e.g. in front of those “undisputed gods of science” – Einstein, Newton etc. . One of them in there also presented a new model for our solar system -TYCHOS (http://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=1994&sid=87f4043665da83c97a14e2832850bcf3) – again very logical and seems to work perfectly in harmony with thousands of years of real astrology sightings(and doesn’t need kilometer long equations to explain some “strange” anomalies in observed data..) so in my mind very much more plausible than “tribes” physics “truths” which needs constant fixing to support the real observations. And acc. to this solar system model where the Sun orbits around Earth – and not vice versa, earth is only moving 1.6km/h in its own orbit vs. Mars and Sun speeding 35000 and 107000km/h – so maybe that is the reason for life in earth -slow motion – and so a life like in earth is not possible e.g. in Mars but only in these same kind of conditions(in center) of other binary system(which there are infinite amount in space)? Sounds again very logical to me. What do you think of it -or many other “conspiracies” presented there?

Here introduction to this model from the forum:
“My TYCHOS model is the only existing configuration of our solar system that agrees not only with astronomical observations (gathered over the centuries) – but also with all physical, optical and geometric realities known to humankind. I challenge allcomers to prove the contrary – and sincerely wish good luck to them. In fact, I will relish to debate my TYCHOS model with the wider scientific community of this planet – even though I fully realize the enormity of such an endeavor. However, and as the old saying goes, let the chips fall where they may. Let me now specificize (yup, that funny English word apparently exists !) :

Tycho Brahe was (almost) right. Copernicus was (completely) wrong – all along.

Tycho’s proposed ‘geo-heliocentric’ model had the orbits of the Sun and Mars intersecting – much like the vast majority of our visible star systems. In other words, he had correctly (yet unwittingly) interpreted the binary nature of our solar system. Since no binary star system had yet been observed in his time, Tycho had no way of making sense of his own observations. He then made a most horrendous mistake – i.e. when he entrusted the young Kepler to solve the baffling yet crucial & all-important behavior of Mars. The rest of this tragic ‘mishap’ (which has set back humankind’s cosmo-logical knowledge by 400+ years) is recounted in due detail in my book, “the TYCHOS model” .

All I’ve done is to gather the missing pieces of the broken Tychonic puzzle – and assembling it in a logical and coherent manner. It was all there, all along, for everyone to see – and I have only had the patience, stamina and intuition to bring those dispersed fragments all together. Well, not to dip into excessive, self-disparaging modesty, I should probably claim for myself a few “lucky strikes” of my own – such as, for instance, my determination of Earth’s “PVP” orbit, around which we all travel at the leisurely pace of 1 mph – or 1.6 km/h! That’s right: in spite of our earthly lives seemingly rushing by at breakneck speed (and despite the haste & stress imposed by our so-called modern era) our placid Mother Earth gently trundles around our cosmos … slower than a turtle’s morning-walk around the beach! May her tranquil, laid-back ways be an example for humanity to follow. That is, starting from today – March 21, the spring equinox of 2018. What a beautiful day this is.

Since I have, after all, conducted this half-decade-long research on my own without any outside help (apart from the very precious assistance from my friends – as acknowledged below) I dedicate this new understanding of our cosmos to the ‘power of intuition’. I believe that it is a subject matter that should be introduced, one fine day, in our planet’s schools – so that our future generations will learn how not to be fooled anymore by any of their snobby forefathers’ ingrained, “firmly established knowledge”.

I also firmly believe that the TYCHOS model will stand the test of time. For all times.”

jorma August 29, 2021 Reply

I have currently lost my Internet connection and can ony very briefly look at the Internet and my blog from
another person’s computer. I will read your comment carefully when I get the connection working.

Neku September 1, 2021 Reply

Good – thanks, looking forward for your hopefully openminded but still critical when needed comments about this new solar system model – could it be at least closer to truth than our current one..

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