Confirmation of some calculations by Yad Vashem numbers

Yad Vashem 2

(Checked and revised version, January 2019)

This is a continuation to the previous post where I show that Yad Vashem numbers confirm some calculations I made in [1][2][3]. I want to point out in the very beginning that I believe that six million Jews were gassed by Germans in the Holocaust. Mathematics shows a different result, but that does not change my belief, as God can do miracles. Everything happened exactly the way the law says it did. In this post I will study the implications of calculations from the numbers, though they cannot naturally change a fact that has been confirmed to be true by a judicial decision. (Judicial decision can be used e.g. in the question if we can take the existence of the world outside us as self-evident or does it need to be proven in the court. Thus, it is intended to be used only for self-evident facts that cannot be proven in any scientific way. Holocaust is the only historical event which is proven in this manner.)

In the previous post I listed Yad Vashem numbers. The totals were

Deaths      Deaths where the name is known

Poland          3,000,000 1,770,000

West             1,043,172    897,663

SU of 1946   1,281,500    549,510

Sum              5,324,672   3,217,173

So, the second category lists Jews, whose name and birth place is known and who either died or are missing. The first category is Yad Vashem’s estimate of how many died done in some other way, like by summing all announcements of Jews who died, but the figure 3 million for Polish Jews is clearly just from demographic calculation and not from counting the dead.

  1. Yad Vashem numbers confirm my estimate of Jews transported from the West                                                                                                Yad Vashem death toll for the West, 1,043,172, gives a more accurate estimate for the number of Jews who were transported from the West. In an earlier post [1] I have calculated:

”As there were 1.83 million in the West excluding Poland and 1.126 million were transported and some 60,000 killed in Yugoslavia, then 0.653 million survived in Western Europe under German rule excluding Poland. However, the estimate is rather imprecise because of the expressions “less than half” etc. Summing the figures in the American Jewish Year Book for 1948-49, Table 1 on page 693 gives the figure for European Jews as 831,500 in the areas occupied by Germans outside the Soviet Union, Romania and Poland. Many Jews returned home from DP camps or abroad after the war or escaped from East. This can be around 831,500-653,000=178,500 people.”

If 178,500 Jews survived and 1,043,172 Jews died, then the number of transported Jews was 1,221,672 instead of 1,126,000 that I had used earlier by summing known transports. The difference is only 100,000.


  1. Yad Vashem numbers agree that about 1 million died in the West, outside the Soviet Union and excluding the Operation Reinhardt camps

In [2] and [3] I calculated that about 1 million Jews died outside the Soviet Union of 1948, excluding Operation Reinhardt camps.

From Yad Vashem data we get the same number, 1 million died outside the Soviet Union, as will be soon seen.

Unfortunately Yad Vashem data does not have an estimate of how many Jews of West-Poland died (see [1] for the term West-Poland), but I calculated it. Using the Jewish population of 3.25M for Poland in 1939 and the distribution of Jews to Western and Eastern Poland according to the Polish census of 1931 and taking into account the flight of Jews to Eastern Poland when Germans attacked in 1939 there were 1,840,000 Jews in Western Poland in 1939, see [1]. In [1] I calculated that netto 60,000 Jews were transported to West Poland from the East.

            There were 88,000 survivors in West Poland not caught by Nazis (hiding), and maybe 150,000-200,000 of the 410,000 concentration camp survivors were Polish Jews, but more Polish Jews came later to DP camps. It is estimated that 300,000 Polish Jews survived the war. There is a higher estimate that 600,000 Polish Jews survived the war. It seems that 300,000 were from Western Poland and the other 300,000 Eastern Poland. Jews of Eastern Poland could move to Poland (Western Poland) after the war, but they did not: there was a pogrom in Poland in 1946, which stopped Jews from moving, and Jews, who were born in Eastern Poland mostly stayed in there homes and they become Soviet (Ukrainan) Jews. They never had Polish identity, they were Jews living in an area that before the First World War was Russia which Poland got after the 1920 war. They spoke Yiddish.

            Using the estimate that 300,000 Jews of Western Poland survived, 1,540,000 of them could have died.

In [1] I estimate that 1.48M were sent to the three Operation Reinhardt camps. From Yad Vashem numbers the percentages for the Jews of the West (1,043,172 died of 1,221,672, from Yad Vashem data) and the Jews of West-Poland (1,540,000 died of 1,840,000, from my data)  are about the same, around 84%. Therefore I assume that of 1.48M Jews sent to Operation Reinhardt camps 1.043/2.883 were from the West and 1.84/2.883 from Western Poland. That means, 0.54M were from the West and 0.94M from Western Poland. I subtract these figures from the Yad Vashem death tolls, thus from the West died 1.04-0.54=0.5M and from Western Poland died 1.54-0.94=0.6M. The sum of the death tolls is 1.1M. I will subtract the Hungarian Jews 320,000, who probably ended to the Soviet Union. There remains 0.78M Jews, who died in the West or West-Poland (excluding Romania, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union of 1948). Adding 58,000 who were shot in Yugoslavia and 0.177M who died in Romania (see [2]) we come to 0.78+0.058+0.177=1.015 million, that is, 1M dead in the West and Western Poland. This conclusion does not allow 1-1.5M dead in Auschwitz. If 1M died in the West and West-Poland, then in Auschwitz died only 60,000 Jews, all registered.

Thus, Yad Vashem data agrees with the conclusion that in the West and Western Poland died 1M Jews assuming that we can subtract the 320,0000 Hungarian Jews. This is exactly the uncertainty of unregistered deaths in Auschwitz. About 430,000 Hungarian Jews were taken to Auschwitz in 1944. Of them 110,000 were transported from Auschwitz to work camps. The reminder is 320,000. Eichmann in his confession states that Nazis found work for most of them and that Nazis left to Auschwitz 200,000 to the Soviets. The rest may have been in smaller camps liberated by Soviets. In the 1M estimate I have assumed that these Jews were moved to the Soviet Union, but the other possibility is that they were killed in Auschwitz.

Thus, Yad Vashem numbers allow assigning the Jewish death toll of 320,000+60,000=380,000 to Auschwitz, but they also agree with the Jewish death toll of 60,000 in Auschwitz.

3. Yad Vashem data clearly refutes the claim of 1-1.5 million mostly Jewish deaths in Auschwitz

Yad Vashem data gives the upper bound 380,000 to Jewish deaths in Auschwitz. Notice how little data is needed for deriving this upper bound. Yad Vashem data gives the number 1.22 million Western Jews, who could be moved to West Poland. From the Polish census we can estimate that there were 2 million Jews in West-Poland and after some escaped in 1939 there remained 1.84 million. The figure 3 million Polish Jewish dead in Yad Vashem means that 0.3 million survived (3.3-0.3=3 million). These were from West Poland (88,000 who managed to hide and about half of 410,000 who survived in concentration camps). That gives 1.54 million deaths for Polish Jews. Adding 1.22+1.54=2.76 and subtracting those 1.48 million who were taken to Operation Reinhardt camps, and died there according to Yad Vashem, gives 1.28 million. If in Auschwitz died 1 million Jews, there is left only 0.28 million to died in concentration camps in Germany, Majdanek, Chelmno, ghettos of Warsaw and Lodz, work camps, Thereseinstadt and so on. You can see that it is impossible. Yad Vashem data is not from any Holocaust denier sources. It clearly shows that the Auschwitz story is false.

4. Yad Vashem data rather well agrees with the deaths of Romanian Jews

According to Yad Vasmen 225,000 Romanian Jews died. This is sligthly larger than the estimate I used where the Jewish population of Romania before the war was 600,000, after the war was 300,000 and 123,000 Romanian Jews immigrated to Israel in the period 1948-53 from DP camps. It is correct that 300,000 Jews stayed in Romania stayed in 1948 and the estimate 600,000 before the war seems also correct. as 300,000-123,000=177,000, Yad Vashem may have counted missing Jews as dead. Some Romanian Jews probably immigrated to the USA, Canada or South Africa. In any case the difference is small.


The references are to my blog posts in the category Holocaust controversy:

[1] How many Jews died in Auschwitz?

[2] Were 1.48 million Jews killed in Treblinka, Sobibór and Bełżec?

[3] How many Jews immigrated to the USA between 1924 and 1939?

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