70 years from 1948

I read this article


and though that maybe I should write down some random thoughts or French lines of what I have learned from this topic. Just some main things, no new analysis. Things everybody must (or should) know.

There is so much propaganda, one way or another. In this topic the only one you can trust is yourself, but it is so slow to check everything.

Better not to say anything of the Jewish role in Russian revolutions, or Communistic spies, or anything like this, but they are true.

There was this Camp David agreement that was supposed to bring a peace to the Middle East conflict. But it was all cheating from one side. The Palestinians got a self rule in Gaza and in some 15% of the West Bank. The illegal settlements were to be removed. What happened? One side says that they withdrew all illegal settlements from Gaza and then Hamas started to shoot rockets to Israel.

But it was not quite like this. First the PLO and Israel made this agreement. Then Israel gave weapons to Hamas in Gaza. Hamas opposed the agreement. Naturally settlements in Gaza were withdrawn before arming Hamas, otherwise these settlers would have been killed, but there were only some 8000 people, so no big deal. The Israel goal was that there was no peace and they could continue building illegal settlements in the West Bank. The agreement gave some 60% of the West Bank to Israel rule, so they could freely build settlements and roads between them. Now there are some 800,000 Jews in the West Bank and it seems unlikely that those settlements will be abandoned. This plan, which was total cheating from the Israel side, required that there is a state of war, which was the reason for Israel arming Hamas. Then they built a wall around Gaza and used white phosphor and all that. Two Intifadas, what else could they so? Israel did not want peace, it wanted land.

That was one thing. Then there were these heroic wars in 1948 and 1967. There are heroic wars in the world history, like the Greeks in Thermopylae, but these were not one of those. In the 1948 war Arab countries did not have more men in their combined armies than Israel and the Israelis had better weapons, which they got from Czechoslovakia with the help of Jewish millionaires, like Robert Maxwell.Only Jordania has a decent army, and it did defend the West Bank. The Arab countries were almost as new as Israel and set up by the UK and France.

Before the Arab countries attacked, as they did attack, the Jews were already pushing the Palestinians out of their lands with terror. The Palestinians rejected the UN plan of giving half of their land to the newly arrived Jews. Who would have agreed to that, maybe Jews, I doubt? There is no right to return to a land that you left over a thousand years ago.

In the Six Day War Israel made a preventive strike as three Arab countries were just going to attack, self defense. Only it was not quite so. Israel had built an army with efficient air forces and tank units. It takes time to equip and train such units, meaning this war was not any response to an immediate external threat. It was quite well known to military people in the beginning of this war that Israel would win. That means that Israel knew it would win. That is not a preventive strike under an immediate threat. It is an aggression for conquering new land. Both of these are just cheating and media presented them intentionally in a deceptive way. I mean, it was said that the small Israel defended itself against so large Muslim countries, nonsense. It is armies which fight wars, not populations.

Then there is the nuclear weapon program. I link it to the Kennedy assassination, where there are such friends of Israel like Meyer Lansky. No need to talk about this, nor of the USS Liberty, or the Belfast declaration, or why there were the world wars.

Then there is the Holocaust. I made calculations and did not get the “correct” figure. Instead I got a link between it and Zionism.

And we should not forget the Iraq wars. The second was connected with 911, which is a very suspicious issue. There were the nonexistent Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Zionists seem to have far too much power in the USA.

Now there is the Iran issue. Israel came up with a proof that Iran is still preparing a nuclear weapon.

That’s about it about this topic. Some people have a fixation on this topic, I do not. There are much more interesting issues. As for the question if all of these are true and if I have checked them. Yes, I did and they are true, but one has to check them one self to be convinced. It is evil. Will it last? I do not think so. There was a time when buying media you could control what people think, but it is getting harder. It is not so that very many people need to find out the truth. It infiltrates from few people to others, maybe slowly, but still, and maybe not so slowly any more. That is just the character of truth, the point where it differs from propaganda. Seventy years is a long time, but it may be just a bit shorter than the life time of propaganda. It depends on the speed of technical development, I think. Even Communism fell after some time.

Hope I do not need to return to this topic.



Steve December 30, 2018 Reply

“Better not to say anything of the Jewish role in Russian revolutions, or Communistic spies, or anything like this, but they are true.”

But you did just say something and taint the rest of your article with that bias.

jorma December 30, 2018 Reply

You are right, I did, because I first checked if it is true or not.

Alsaqqa March 28, 2020 Reply

Israel never wanted peace. They simply wanted more land, as you said. The UN consider the settlement illegal, yet they continue stealing land and bringing in new settlers from outside the region.

jorma March 28, 2020 Reply

Israel was and is a messianic project, though many Jews living there may not realize it. Friends of Israel want the borders as they were in the 1st century, or even as God promised to Abraham, which was from Nile to Euphrates. The messianic plan, the word rule, one world, new world order, give sense to the bankers’ grab of the world economy in 1980-2000. Israel is an essential part of this plan. Bankers and Freemasons created Israel. As Turkey did not give them land, they had to start the WWI and get England take the land from Turkey and be blackmailed to make a Jewish homeland. Later the British were thrown out with terrorism. Jews did not want to move there, so bankers lifted Hitler to power to push European Jews there, which is proven by the facts that Jews were not exterminated and not simly isolated to concentration camps. With considerable effort from Hitler’s side they were collected and were moved to Ukraine, where they were close to the Black Sea to be taken to Palestine by ships as happened during and after the war. This Masonic/Messianic plan could not be made in any other way as Turkey did not want the Jews to Palestine and Jews did not want to move there. This is why the plan does not stop to any peace agreement that does not restore Israel to what it was in Hasmonean times. Too much effort (two world wars, holocaust) have been made already, and the planners of the later part of the plan, like Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller at some point (I do not yet know who they are today) always pushed the plan forward.

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