What is the state of the 2001 anthrax attacks?

Scientific research on the collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings in 2011 seems to have reached a stable state about ten years ago. In the scientific sense the controlled demolition theory is not any more challenged. This is shown by the article [1] in Europhysics News in 2016. This newsletter has a wide distribution among European physicists and if the claims of the article could be disputed, some readers would have done so.

Why I consider this to be a sufficient test of correctness? Europhysics News is not a peer reviewed scientific journal, the editors accept the articles, and in this special case the editors feel necessary to point out that there is some speculation in the article that the content is on the responsibility of the authors, as it naturally always is. There are popular scientific magazines, such as the Scientific American and Nature, which sometimes publish articles presenting new theories which later are disputed. Why could this not be one of those cases? I say that it is a sufficient test because the 911 controlled demolition theory is already quite old and it has been attacked, but it has survived, and because it is based on well understood physics. The collapse of WTC building 7 was symmetric while the damage to the building was asymmetric. The building fell straight down through the steel frame with free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds. That is simply not possible unless the supporting pillars were first removed by explosives or cutting charges as in controlled demolition. Additionally, when all supporting evidence is taken into account, the controlled demolition theory is the only way to explain the collapses of all three WTC buildings. As for peer-reviewed journals, I have largely lost fait in the peer review. It does not guarantee that the claims are correct and there seems to be much reluctance to publish manuscripts on certain topics.

Physicists and engineers in the 911 Truth -movement are not addressing the question of who was responsible for the attack: it is not a question on their field of competence. This is very well: it is not difficult to find the answers. If the buildings were wired with explosives for controlled demolition, the firm responsible for the security of the buildings had to know it. The security of the airports had to let the hijackers in on purpose. The new tenant of the WTC buildings guessed very well by upgrading the insurance against a terrorist attack. The US air defense was unexpectedly incapable of stopping the terrorists. There was a group of dancing “Palestinians” and software with a backdoor. It looks like a false flag attack including a foreign country. This impression has grown stronger the more I have studied the 911 attack and other related incidences.

But what is the state of the 2001 anthrax attacks?

Powdered form of anthrax spores sent in letters was identified as belonging to the Ames strain obtained in 1981 from a Texas cow and sent to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. The strain was named Ames possibly after the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa. This strain was originally sent to five research laboratories in the USA, UK and Canada and from there spread to no more than a dozen laboratories.

The anthrax letters were first investigated by USAMRIID. Bruce Ivins, who later become the main suspect, helped the FBI by giving samples of his anthrax strain and by suggesting that the FBI could try to identify the Ames strain to a specific cultivation by morphs. The spores of the specific Ames strain in the anthrax letters were grown with the same process that was used by Ivins and the DNA sequence was exactly the same as in the strain RMR-1029, which Ivins created in 1997. This seems to be the strain in the Dugway Proving Ground, Pentagon’s chemical and biological testing center. The morphs were found. Consequently, the FBI identified USAMRIID as the laboratory and Ivins’ flask as the exact cultivation where the spores came from.

Before Ivins become the main suspect, the FBI tried to build a case against Steven Hatfill. It failed and the USA Department of Justice ended up paying millions of dollars to Hatfill as a compensation. After this failure, the FBI prepared a court case against Bruce Ivins. He committed suicide in 2008, just before the case was to be brought to the court. Doubts of Ivins’ guilt surfaced already in 2009. The anthrax spores sent in letters were finally not from the same flask of RMR-1029 which Ivins gave to the FBI [2]. The news article [2] speculates that the flask could have been opened and spores grown in another media. There was talk of a higher technology of coating anthrax powder with tin, which Ivins did not possess. More recently, in 2015, the head of the FBI investigation, Richard Lambert, filed a law suit claiming that the FBI did not allow his team to get information, which would have shown Ivins innocent [3].

Hatfill and Ivins were not the only suspects in the FBI investigation. According to the FBI there were 300 identifiable persons and 30 unidentifiable persons who had access to the flasks in USAMRIID. According to other sources there were over 400 people, who had access to the flasks and they were all checked by the FBI, but if 30 were unidentifiable, they probably could not be checked. There was an early effort to frame Ayaad Assaad. He was cleared of suspicions. Assaad gave the names of two people, who might have wanted to frame him: Philip Michael Zack and Marian K. Rippy. Both names appear in many conspiracy sites as possible culprits, but I could not find support for these accusations.

The name Zack sounded to some people as a Jewish name. As he already is a public figure because of these conspiracy theories, let us look at his ethnic background. His father, Dr. Casimir J. Zack, died in 1993, was born as Kazimierz Zakrzewski. Apparently he was born in Poland and came to the USA in 1946. Where did he get his MD diploma? I could not solve that mystery. Zakrzewski, born in 1915, was 24 when Germany attacked and closed all Polish universities. While there were underground universities and small number could have graduated from medicine in Poland, many medical students joined the Home Army, moved to UK, and were educated in the Polish School of Medicine in Edinburgh. Some of the Polish students in Edinburgh moved to the USA soon after the war, only few returned to Poland. This is possible. The other alternative is that Zakrzewski studied in the USA, but that could have been too expensive. About 12% of the students in Edinburgh were Jewish, but Kazimierz Zakrzewski is a Polish name and Phil Zack is Catholic. Marian K. Rippy has donated to a Catholic girl school. Probably both are Catholic, not Jewish.

Phil Zack made an illegal night visit to USAMRIID in 1992 after resigning in Dec. 1991, apparently his friend Marian Rippy let him in. Some bacterial strains had disappeared in 1992, but Zack apparently did not have access to RMR-1029, which Ivins created in 1997. Philip M. Zack and Marian K. Rippy seem to be wrong suspects in the 2001 anthrax attack case and that completes the list of named suspects. None of them is a strong candidate.

Only few people had access to viral strains of Ames and even fewer could weaponize anthrax to powder. Article [4] from 2001 mentions many of the sites which had access to Ames. The article mentions two private nonprofit laboratories, which received Ames spores from USAMRIID a few months before the attacks: the Battelle Memorial Institute and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center [4]. It should not have been difficult to check those and the other places, but the FBI could not locate a leak and concluded that the spores came directly from USAMRIID. Or so it seemed before Richard Lambert filed the lawsuit claiming that the FBI team was not allowed to get all information.

Can this crime case be solved by an armchair detective simply by reading material from the Web?

Many might doubt it. Amateurs cannot know enough details of a police investigation. But this is necessarily not so in this special case, because FBI’s Richard Lambert should know what his team did. He claims that the case against Bruce Ivins was a sham and therefore we can discard the idea of Ivins as a lone mentally ill terrorist of the Unabomber type. Second thing we can know for sure after 15 years of research [1] is that the 911 attacks were not what they seemed to be. We only need to be sure that there was a connection between 911 and the anthrax attacks in order to conclude that they were both planned by the same people. I cannot know that for sure, but people wanting a war with Iraq had a good motivation for the anthrax attacks: they helped to pass the Patriot act, start the war against terrorism and against Iraq.

The FBI did not find any way Ames could have been leaked to terrorists. It is probably just like that. It was an inside attack, a false flag attack. It was not work of a single researcher having some personal motive, like drawing public awareness to biologic weapon threats. Such an attempt would not be supported by high levels of the FBI and Lambert accuses the FBI for hindering the investigation. It was done for a political motive as a part of 911 for the same goals – not for some other goals, as mixing goals might risk achieving the main goals. The bacteria probably did not come directly from USAMRIID, which lacked the equipment to dry wet anthrax solution to dry powder. Consequently, the spores in the anthrax letters might have come from the Dugway test center, which had the RMR-1029 strain, or maybe from Battelle. Ivins may have known, but he is dead. It is not possible to prove anything, since if it was a false flag operation there is all the cover-up that is needed.

Finding the names of the people who did this or that, is a job for the police and the prosecutor. Names are not enough, it is essential to be able to prove it in the court. For somebody like me, names have no importance. It is not a question of individuals. These are operations which are done for important goals. I am interested in the goals only and what they imply for the future. I think these are parts of a very old effort, which is not yet finished. It has to be understood and acted on. Charging a few people in the court accomplishes nothing. So I could not pinpoint a person who sent the anthrax letters in 2001, but it was not my goal. It is just a small addition to accumulative evidence that something very bad is going on.


 [1] Steven Jones, Robert Korol, Anthony Szamboti and Ted Walter, “15 YEARS LATER:ON THE PHYSICS OF HIGH-RISE BUILDING COLLAPSES”, Europhysics News, 2016.


[2] http://www.nature.com/news/2009/090225/full/news.2009.120.html

[3] A Washington Post article: The head of the FBI anthrax investigation says that the whole anthrax investigation was a sham: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/04/head-fbis-anthrax-investigation-calls-b-s.html

[4] http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/aimsstrainfewlabs.html






Tyuk August 23, 2019 Reply

Read Graham MacQueens book – The 2001 Anthrax Deception. And you write about conspiracies a lot, you might find the work of UK critical Thinker interesting. He’s been banned nearly everywhere but his research is markedly sound unlike many conspiracy seekers who are secretly cointelpro. He is a researcher who has investigated current alleged mass casualty events. Crisis events per say. I understand it you worked in this field?

Anyway, he breaks down these events. Look up his Manchester bombing videos for instance. You might find them insightful. They’re very detailed.

jorma August 23, 2019 Reply

Thanks for the hint, I will look at it.

Tyuk August 24, 2019 Reply

You’re very welcome. As for Uk Critical Thinker, I believe he is a systems engineer of some sort.

His channel has been deleted on Facebook, YouTube and even Bitchute. He still has an archive of his work up on 153news, probably a honeypot website, but his work is highly regarded by truth seekers. To be blunt his research is the only research concerning false flags and Psyops I would show to those who would rather not think about such matters. He isn’t bias in his thinking and simply takes each piece of evidence as is and tries to make sense of the narratives.

I think you’ll be quite pleased with looking into the aspect of media fakery and Psyops which were legalized in the US under an NDAA clause. The nullification of the Smith Mundt Act of 1948, effectively legalized PSYOPS, and domesitic propaganda and disinformation campaigns. But we see these events on an international scale, so something is amuck.

His work on the Fort Lauderdale media driven narrative is great.

**Ft. Lauderdale Airport – Prelude**


**Annika Dean – Ft. Lauderdale** Her son also coincidently lost three friends at the alleged Parkland Shooting. Small world.


**Setting out the narrative – Ft. Lauderdale**


**Terminal 2 vs. Terminal 1 – Ft. Lauderdale**


**Fort Lauderdale: To be Continued**


**Wrapping up – Ft. Lauderdale**


**Surreal – a common theme**



Also, some other videos of his deleted instantly on YouTUbe:

(must see) Security firms – Brussels


Here’s an alleged eyewitness and victim the media used in the Orlando Pulse night club shooting, very odd to say the least: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=3DW7YXWK1AM1

Here’s his shortened documentary on the Manchester alleged bombing: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=G8Y47W7N6BBG

The orlando shooting featured a man named Norman Casiano, who was shot 4 times, he said to researchers on the phone he was shot six times. The media concluded he was shot two times in his chest and two times near his stomach. He allegedly recovered in the hospital the day he was shot. He conducted an interview on CNN the next day. A week later he was on FaceBook singing with his shirt off. He had zero wounds of any kind. He deleted his facebook live video after researchers exposed this.

You also, have many of the eyewitnesses of these alleged high profile shootings having past criminal records with high bonds, which is interesting in itself.

What I see is a consecrated effort by US media and the international community to scare the public with PSYOP’s, and atrocity propaganda. Creating public myths to be remembered and to be never forgotten. 9/11 was just one of these public myths, the myth being the offical narrative, They then use the tactic of schema in perception management to reintroduce these public myths when policy actions are needed by governments or the international community.

jorma August 24, 2019 Reply

Thanks again for the links, I will study them, will take some time.

... August 26, 2019

You’re welcome. Tell me what you think, when you get the time to watch his videos. For me, it was truely eyeopening seeing the fakery in these alleged events. What’s more?

When they passed the Smith Mundt-Modernization Act in 2012, introduced by CFR member Thornberry, an entire Crisis management industry worth billions sprouted up. If you have the money, you can contract these firms to stage events.

Many of these firms work directly with G4S, DHS, law enforcmenet, policy makers, the military, corporations, media, etc.

jorma August 26, 2019

I will look at them in the few nearest days.

jorma August 28, 2019

You mean the videos by UK Critical Thinker, about Fort Lauderlane shoorings? Your name is not the same as in the commenter who posted those videos, but apparently you use some anonymity proxy. I did look at those videos. It may be as you say, that the even was staged. It is difficult to evaluate how much of the contradictions in the videos are due to the chaotic situation, eyewitnesses often tell events incorrectly. But whether in this case or not, it is certain that much psyops is done. I nowadays have the feeling that everything we hear is mainly psyops and lies. I do not so much go to the present situation as it is so difficult to know what is true and what not. It is easier to look at past events, and safer also. Past events give a fuzzy picture of what is must be like today, without giving names and details.

jorma August 28, 2019 Reply

I looked at these videos. It may be as you say. However, it is also true that in chaotic situations eyewitnesses mix up things, like the Santa Claus, maybe he saw somebody running and thought it was the shooter, while it was not. Things like that. I have not looked at this enough to form an opinion, but as said, you maybe right.

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