Michael Wolff publishes Fury and Fire while Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 200 years together is still not published in English

Unlike Solzhenitsyn, Michael Wolff has never got a Nobel in literature, but he wrote a gossip book of Donald Trump, which made news all over the world. Trump wanted to stop the publication of the book, but the President of the USA does not have such powers. The President is not the most powerful man: there are those who can stop publication.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s last book from the year 2004 is still not published in English, but finally it is at least translated, by volunteers of course, and all chapters can be downloaded for free from the web. This book, 200 hundred years together, explains the role of Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, especially in the early years. As it is well known for anybody who has searched history, Jews had a major role in communism, there is not so much especially new in this book, but it is a detailed study of the topic. Undoubtedly the book would have sold well enough to warrant publication in English. The reason for not publishing it is that American Jews have claimed that the book is anti-Semitic. I read the most criticized parts and I do not find is anti-Semitic. The book simply tells more or less correct history of certain events, which are not so flattering to Jews. Dark episodes, though maybe not so dark, can be found from the history of most peoples.

Is Two hundred years perhaps published in Finnish? No, it is not, which does not so much surprise a Finn. The Finnish writer Sofi Oksanen with half-Estonian parents was once concerned of a Cold War time episode when President Kekkonen told a major Finnish publisher Tammi not to publish one of Solzhenitsys’s books (Gulag). That was in 1974 and it did not stop the book from being published in Finnish in the same year by another publisher. The first volume of Vankileirien saaristo (Gulag in Finnish) appeared in 1974 from a Swedish publisher Wahlström & Widstrand and two more volumes from a small Finnish publisher Kustannuspiste in 1976 and 1978. Nevertheless, a new version of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag appeared in 2012 from Sofi Oksanen’s self-publishing company, which has a suggestive name Silberfelt. As one may guess, neither Silberfelt, nor any other publisher has offered a Finnish translation of 200 hundred years together.

The publication of Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: inside Trump’s White House had a different reception. It was not only in the daily news here, but I also saw it in the news of the satellite channel TV5monde. It must have been in the main news in many countries. The revelations of Wolff’s book are maybe not quite as large as in Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn states that Bolshevik Jews were responsible of 66 million dead Russians and he gives sources, which apparently were carefully checked by the Russian publisher, while Wolff’s main revelation is that Trump’s son and son-in-law met a Russian lawyer and discussed how to defame Hillary Clinton in the presidential elections. This is not disputed, but many other of Wolff’s claims come without a proof.

The banned book by Solzhenitsyn has finally been translated to English by some volunteers. I have yet to read the book: it is two volumes and 1500 footnotes. It will take some effort to read. I still am reading his 16th of October in Finnish. That book appeared from Tammi in 1985 and it has been waiting in my bookshelf now for many years. It is not that interesting for me: those times have fortunately passed and we already know just how bad communism was in the worst times. I have read some web-pages describing 200 years together. These web pages have naturally selected the most controversial passages, so the rest will only convince, or not convince, me that Solzhenitsyn studied the history carefully. In a similar way, I have not read Wolff’s book, but read the juiciest claims of the book from web pages. I do not think I am interested in knowing more from Trump. He is a controversial person, but he was elected the President in a vote by Americans.

200 years together demonstrates that the Russian Revolutions and the building of communism, including Cheka and Gulags, was largely run by Bolshevik Jews, especially in the early years. These facts have been known to anybody who has wanted to check their correctness already for some time. They were common knowledge before the Second World War, but after the war censorship of the winners did manage to suppress or cast the shadow of extreme rightist propaganda over much of correct information. It is very good that these facts have been rechecked by Solzhenitsyn, who was so appreciated as a truth teller in the West. There is a still ongoing effort to suppress these facts by silently forbidding the publication of Solzhenitsyn’s book in many countries, but there are web sites, which tell the story. More and more people will eventually know the facts and finally the official history must be revised.

Typically, if you mention that Jewish Bolsheviks were largely responsible for the terror in the early years of Soviet Union, and add that there is a good case for Israel being implicated in the 911 attack, and that one of the better theories why John F. Kennedy was assassinated was that he tried to sop Israel’s nuclear weapon program, and that in the First Worlds War Zionistic Jews turned the USA to the Allied side in order to get England promise them a Jewish home land in the Balfour declaration, people try to ridicule this by saying: so Jews are behind everything, what a powerful small nation, I don’t believe it. But this is a wrong reaction. It is precisely so, that today you cannot blame Jews for anything at all without being called an anti-Semite. It is fine to blame the Muslims for terrorism and treatment of women, it is fine to blame Germans for two world wars and the Holocaust, it is fine to blame the Whites or the Christians for black slave trade, destruction of the American Indians, selling opium to Chinese, and for everything else, it is even fine to mention that Sweden destroyed much of Germany and Poland by the live-off-the-land supply solution in the 17th century, though there were many Finns in the Swedish army, but criticizing Jews is not allowed to, because that will lead to a new Holocaust. This is so, because the reasons and character of the Holocaust are not understood.

Jews are not behind everything bad that has happened in the world. They probably have a role in the Syrian civil war, but not in the Ukrainian or Yugoslavian wars. They were not behind the Irish or Bask terrorist, nor involved in the war between Georgia and Russia. Still, Jews, like other peoples, have been involved in certain events. Solzhenitsyn says in his book that Jewish Bolsheviks did not make the Russian revolutions, but they had an important role in the crimes of Bolsheviks. He is probably correct. Socialism started from the Enlightenment. In the beginning socialism was partially based on the ideas of some utopists with very Christian aspirations. But what happened was that the leftist Freemasons tried to change the system by revolutions. Practically all of the revolutionary activity from the American war of independence in 1776 to the Paris Commune in 1871 was organized by subversive leftist Freemason lodges and Carbonaries. After the Paris Commune fell, leftist revolutionary Freemasons were pardoned and largely disappeared from the scene. Subversive activity was taken over by communists, who were the direct descendants of Carbonaries and leftist Freemasons. Communists, who made the revolutions in Russia, were not only Jews, and ethnic identity was not important for Communists, yet the Jews were heavily overrepresented, especially in the leading positions. According to Solzhenitsyn, in the early years after the Bolshevik revolution, in Russia Communism was identified in people’s minds with Jews, and not only in Russia.

But what Solzhenitsyn does not tell? He makes a distinction between different groups of Jews, and this is where the book goes wrong. I do not mean that all Jews are similar or guilty of the crimes of communism. Jews are probably just as different from each other as individuals in any other nation. I mean that the ideologies Communism, Zionism and Nazism were all parts of the same plan. It was a Zionistic plan, the cabbalistic Messianic plan of the return of the Jews to the home country. In the beginning only a small minority of Jews was working on this plan, but this minority included very rich and powerful people. I will try to convince you that this was the case.

Zionism did not start when Theodore Herzl set up the First Zionist Congress in 1897, which incidentally is very close to the year 1894 when Ludwig Schemann, a member of Richard Wagner’s anti-Semitic Bayreuth circle, established the Gobineau society and started to spread anti-Jewish propaganda in Germany. Before that time Jews had been liberated and we cannot say that there was especially much anti-Semitism. There were hopes that the Jews could be assimilated to European societies.

Zionism was started in mid 19th century. Two cabbalists, Rabbi Judah Alkalai and Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer started to demand the restoration of Jews to Palestine, but already before them the Rothschild family had started preparing for the new exodus to the Holy Land. Rabbi Alkalai gave a shockingly accurate prophesy in 1843, at least for those like me, who think that prophesies are seldom fulfilled unless they are written afterwards, or there is a conscious effort to fill them. Alkalai said that the time of redemption started in 1840, Jews had 100 years time to move to Palestine, and if they still had not moved by the year 1939, a new time would start. The result would be the same, the Jews would move, but with much sorrow. That means the era of the Great Persecution from the Biblical prophesies. The year 1939 is disturbingly correct as the starting time of the great persecution. The Biblical background to the new exodus is that the old prophets, notably Isaiah and Zechariah, predict that Jews will return at the end of the times, but before they return, the majority of them will die. Isaiah says that even if there are as many Israelites as there are grains of sand in the beach, only a handful will return, while Zechariah gives the number that two thirds will die. They will be burned as a sacrifice: there cannot be redemption without a sacrifice. The redemption is in the blood. Since two thirds of 9 million is 6 million, and there were 9 million Jews in Europe in 1939, we get the Holocaust of 6 million. It is no wonder why Jewish sources mention 6 million suffering Jews facing extermination long before the Second World War and Hitler. There had to be a Holocaust because prophesies had to be fulfilled. In this case they were intentionally fulfilled by pre-Zionists.

Extreme rightists believe that Hitler was on the side opposing Jews, while he was fully on the same side as Zionists. Hitler’s original goal was restoration of Jews to Israel, as is shown by his private library. Hitler used to make notes to the books he had read with pencils of different colors. One of these books was from Paul de Lagarde. Paul de Lagarde was the first to propose sending Jews to Madagascar, but the sentence, which Hitler had underlined in the book, demanded that the Jews should be restored to the Palestine. We can compare words of Hitler to Alkalai´s prophesy on 1843. Hitler also uses the word prophesy for his threat: if international bankers again manage to start a world war, the result will not be the victory of Jews through world communism, but Jews will be pushed out of Europe. As we know that he initially wanted to move Jews to Palestine, this is simply a statement that the war in the end of the time is when Jews return to their homeland, but as it is involuntary, it will be with much suffering, the Great Persecution, where many or most will die and the bodies will be burned.

Neo-Nazis deny the claims that Hitler was of partial Jewish origins. We do not know if he was, but there is reason to believe he thought he was. It is so because 1) he excluded himself and Jesus Christ from race laws requiring showing non-Jewish origins, 2) his nephew claimed Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, which must therefore have been a family legend, and 3) because Hitler destroyed evidence of his family origins. The DNA results of Hitler and Eva Brown suggest that Hitler may have been or believed he was partially Jewish.

There is a tradition that the enemy of Jews in the Great Persecution in the end of the times is a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin. The tribe of Benjamin is mixed, since the Israelites killed the women of Benjamin after a Levite priest called for a war against Benjamin. It is for this reason that the Herodos family was considered to be of the tribe of Benjamin. They were of Edomite origin, but mixed with Jewish Maccabeans. In the Gospels, Herodos the Great kills the boys of Bethlehem. This is quite according to the tradition: Messiah of the Davidic origin was to be born to Bethlehem, a minor family among Israelites (Bethlehem is a family, not a town, the family of David), and the persecutor was to be from the tribe of Benjamin. Likewise, King Saul, a Benjamite, persecuted David from Bethlehem, and Saint Paul, also a Benjamite, still as Saul persecuted the followers of Jesus from the family of David. In the time of Jesus, Essenes, believing to be living at the end of the times, the change of the astrological time, identified the family of David with Maccabeans and the tribe of Benjamin with Herodeans, so one should not naively interpret the tradition in the way that Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem and descended from King David. This tradition of the end of the times had to be filled in one way or another also in the time of the new exodus in the 20th century. It is filled if Hitler was believed to be partially Jewish, and that’s why I think it is likely. Partial Jews had special roles in this cabbalistic way of thinking.

Nazism developed from Theosophy through Ariosophy. It was not born as a rightist movement of common people but created by a secret society, the Thule society. These societies were not Freemasonry, in fact, they were opposed to Freemasonry, but there is a direct connection. When the subversive Freemasonry lodges of the Misraim and Memphis rites, descendants of the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jacobines of the French revolution, responsible for most of the revolutionary activities of leftist Freemasons, were dissolved and later merged into the present Memphis-Misraim rite, there was a Freemason-Rosicrusian effort to create new Illuminati and Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, took part in this effort. One result of this effort was creation of O.T.O, which focused on occult, but there were also political actions against communistic revolutionaries. Martinism/Synarchy was one of the, Thule and later Nazism was another. The infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion first appeared in Theosophical circles. They probably were created by Eastern European rightist secret societies with roots in Theosophy and Martinism. I understand the birth of Thule in the way that Freemason Rudolf von Sebottendorf with Theosophical connections joined and took over a völkish secret society Germanenorder. Hitler was sent by some people in the German army to turn Thule’s DAP into a political force. Hitler cut the völkish connections and created the Nazi party.

It is incorrect to assume that Zionists Jews and Communists Jews were in the opposite camps. They were competitors on the lower level, but unified in the upper. Jacob Schiff, an American Jewish banker, was an ardent and active Zionist and at the same time funding the Bolshevik revolution. Schiff is not unique: Moses Hess was both a Zionist and a Communist. There was also a connection between the cabbalists and the Rothschild family, and also to Freemasons: cabbalist Rabbi Kalischer expected support to the Zionistic cause from the Rothschild family and from a high Freemason Adolphe Cremieux. Originally Cremieux has supported the assimilation of Jews, but later the organization he founded, Alliance Israelite Universelle, built agricultural schools to Palestine with the purpose of resettling Jews there.

In case a millionaire supporting communists and Zionists seems confusing, it is really not so: it just fulfills the Messianic prophesies. Fomenting Anti-Semitism was a necessary element of Zionism. Partially this is because anti-Semitism encouraged Jews to move to Palestine. Solzhenitsyn fills in some details. According to him, Jewish provocateurs started most of riots, which turned into pogroms in Czar’s Russia. It fits in, since they wanted Jews to be driven out. Unfortunately for Zionists, Jews preferred to move to the USA instead of Palestine. This is why the USA and most other countries tightened immigration laws just before the Second World War, with the full support of American Jews. This guaranteed that Jews could not move somewhere else, but Jacob Schiff, B’nai B’rith and other Zionists had helped a large number of them to escape to the USA earlier. When Hitler uprooted European Jews and transported them to camps, where a large portion died, the remainders were willing to move to the new state of Israel. But this was only the tactical rationale for fomenting anti-Semitism. The essential reason was religious, the fulfillment of prophesies. According to rabbis, Jews could not return to the home land before the Messiah came and the end of the time prophesies were filled.

Sabbateans and Frankists had believed that the Messiah had already come, even several times. For them, Shabbatai Zevi was the Messiah who would lead the people to the Holy Land, and he had already been reborn many times, once as Jacob Frank. It is interesting to notice from the writings of Jacob Frank that he considered Jesus as one Messiah, who had the right to call himself the Son of God. Apparently for Frank, Jesus was Messiah ben Jacob, the prophet Messiah, who leads the people out of the home country, while Messiah ben David re-establishes Israel. In the Sabbatean/Frankist view, Messiah would be born as many times as needed to complete the task. But Sabbateans and Frankists had been excommunicated from Judaism for breaking the religious laws, as they believed that doing bad hastens the time of restoration. The Frankists converted to Catholic faith, though secretly keeping their heretic believes and marrying for some decades only among themselves. Many of them joined Freemasons (Misraim and Memphis) and they were later influential in Jewish Enlightenment and in Reform Judaism, but these sects disappeared from the history and apparently died out.

Some influence of Frankism can be seen in the Cabbalah of the Golden Dawn, which most probably derives from the Kabbalah used by Misraim and Memphis lodges. They were the only forms of Freemasonry with cabbalistic teachings. In 1881 these rites, practically defunct at that time, were fused to Misraim-Memphis and were not any more involved in revolutions. It seems that no Zionists or Freemason of the 20th century any more held the Sabbatean and Frankist views that the Messiah had come.

Indeed, Zionism had been secularized and the coming of Messiah was considered unnecessary. But fulfilling prophesies was still necessary: Zionists were not the leaders of the Jewish people still at the time of the Second World War, the rabbis were. At least some end of the times prophesies had to be fulfilled in order to justify to the rabbis that the time of restoration had arrived. After the Great Persecution and the Holocaust sacrifice, there was no choice: no way to stay, no other place to go: the time had come. From the book The Holy Kabbalah (1924) by the Rosicrucian A.E. Waite, from the last chapter, we can read that the meaning of the Kabbalah is that the Jews should be prepared to a long journey as a bridegroom to her bride. That means nothing else than that the exodus to Israel will start soon. So, what happened in WWII and earlier was realizing the Messianic plan, not reacting to anti-Semitism.

The Messianic movement among Jews did not start in early 19th century. It had always been, ever since Jews lost their wars against the Romans, and even before: the Messianic plan is described in the Bible. We do not need to look for any other document to find the blueprint of the conspiracy for starting the end of the times war, the Great Persecution, the Holocaust and the restoration of Israel. Yet, the Jewish Messianic movement of 19th century was directly inspired by British Zionism, a Christian protestant movement, which demanded the restoration of Jews to Palestine so that Jesus would come again. Christian Zionism started in the Great Britain in the 17th century, when Brits met American Indians. A Dutch Jew, Manasseh ben Israel claimed in The Hope of Israel (1650) that they were the lost tribes of Israel and that the time of the restoration of Jews was close. This is the time of Shabbatai Zevi, and it seems that the Messianic mission of Shabbatai Zevi was influenced by Zionistic Brits: his father had business dealings with Brits. At around the same time, c. 1640, plans for the Salomon Temple were presented by Jacob Jehudah Leon (Leon Templo) to Charles II of England. As can be guessed, this has a certain linkage to Freemasonry in the next century and it is not a coincidence that Freemasons were among the first Zionists. One Jewish Freemason can be mentioned: Mordecai Manuel Noah. In 1819 Noah wrote a book presenting American Indians as Israelites. Finding the lost tribes is all about the end of the times and restoration of Jews to Israel. Noah served as a US ambassador in Tunis. In 1825 he founded a refuge city for Jews on an island in the Niagara. Arguably, he was the first Zionist of the modern times.

We see that the development of ideas goes from 17th century British protestant Zionism first to the heretical Messianic sects and then to cabbalistic, revolutionary Freemasons, and from Masons to Communism, Nazism and Zionism.

I would prefer not to push the beginning of the 19th century Messianic movement any further to history. Jewish Messianism of course has a very long history, and cabbalism dates to around 1100, but I would not connect them directly to the Messianic movement of the 19th century. Freemasonry, which plays a major role, started in Protestant England and the first Rosicrucian manifests in early 17th century are attributed to Protestants. Jews were almost absent from England before 1660. In the Catholic world Jews had just been purged from Jesuits, where they managed to raise into considerable power in the first decades of the Society. It seems that mid 17th century is a good break point for the earlier and later Messianic movement.

From here we can return to Donald Trump and Jewish Bolsheviks. Trump announced Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and lost the UN vote for it. Many take this incidence as a clear proof of ZOG, Zionist Occupied Government, but Trump actually only fulfilled his election promise to evangelic Christians, who are his main supporters. It is Christian Zionism. They believe that when Jesus comes, America should be on the side of the God’s People. They also believe that the Jews will convert to Christianity in the end times. It may not happen so easily to people, who in the Middle Ages liked the story of Jesus boiling in hot excrement. It just is so that Jewish and Christian Zionists do not share the same view of what should happen after Jews are restored to Israel. Christians would like everybody to be happy, Jews and Palestinians to live in peace and respect each other’s rights. While Christian Zionist believe that Jews are God’s People of the Bible and God has given them the Holy Land, they do not accept what has happened in Gaza and elsewhere, because it is so un-Christian. Many older Christian denominations do not have this problem, since for them Christians are the new Israel and they do not think that the state of Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesies. The New Jerusalem is supposed to be a huge cube of gold and precious stones, clearly not something of this world. The Jews read it without the Christian coloring. The Old Testament teaches of conquering the land, killing the former inhabitants, cheating and enslaving. It is not unlike what the Jewish Bolsheviks did in Russia.

I have become more and more convinced that the stories in the books of Moses are moral teachings. They just teach morality, which Christians cannot accept. I have read the Koran. It was written 1200 years after the books of Moses and moral teachings in it are much closer to the modern time, even though it advices killing the idol worshippers. I did not like everything in Mahabharata, not in Popol Vuh. The New Testament is the only kind text, probably because I was brought up to that kind way of thinking. But I also think that the New Testament describes early Jewish Christianity in a too kind light. It is Paul’s kind religion, not Jesus’. I find too many connections between cabbalism and what Jesus said, and when the interpretation is taken to be cabbalistic, Jesus is no longer the kind figure we know. So, he was sacrificed, as the first male child is sacrificed, and he promised to come back in the skies in the lifetime of some of those who knew him. Jesus came back in the skies in 66 AD when a comet and a star constellation with the shape of a cross were seen. It started the Great Rebellion. The blood of Jesus and Christian martyrs was expected to repay for the sins of the Jews, thus the Romans should have lost. First they were to win, burn the temple and enslave the people, and then there would be the terrible revenge, but it did not go that way. Jesus commanded spirits, healed by faith, made miracles, just like Jewish magicians and later cabbalists. The Christian martyrs would go to heaven, as innocent animals go to heaven when they are sacrificed, but the Essenes would inherit the land. All what is told by the old prophets will come true: the riches of all peoples will go to Jerusalem, all other people will have to serve the one and only, who governs them with an iron rod. When I read the New Testament as I now read the Old Testament, not through the Christian coloring, but as it is written and probably intended, I do not find it so kind. It reminds me of Jewish Bolsheviks, not of Christian Zionists. So is Trump really so dumb, or does he have the IQ of 156? I do not really know. If he is so smart, he is shrewd. Christian Zionist may have a surprise when they figure out what is really meant by kind words.


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